Lunch first

"Once again, I say congratulations to the three of your for your well written test." said Ollie with a smile as Maddie realized that they were all still walking, her question was, 'Where to?'

"Thanks Ollie, but we haven't gotten our results yet, who knows whether we passed or failed." said Annie, this was not her being negative, but just realistic. You could never know for certain if truly succeeded in a test like that one.

"Oh but I know, and I am sure that you all passed, believe me." said Ollie confidently.

"Dude don't you think that it's a little presumptuous to conclude that we didn't fail when there's a high chance that we did?" asked Matt as Ollie turned to look at them.

"Not in this case it's not, trust me, you guys did better than you expected." said Ollie with a smile.

"With your confidence blondie, are we sure you haven't seen the results yet or what?" asked Maddie with her eyes narrowed.

"No, I haven't, I'm not even allowed to do that." said Ollie as he laughed.

"Yeah right, you're the Prince, you could easily pull some strings just to get what you want." said Maddie with a scoff, she hated that Ollie pretended like he did not have all the power to bend things to his will when he clearly did.

"That may be true, but I would never use my influence like that, it's wrong, regardless of who I am, there are set rules to follow, and I have to follow them as well." said Ollie simply.

"Anyway, I'm just very confident because I know you guys, and I am sure that you did fine, and also I don't want you to worry about your test results while you're here, you are supposed to relax for a week with me." said Ollie as he smiled and Annie smiled.

She could not help but smile at him, his smile was always so contagious, and he was so happy to have them here that she also felt very happy to be here.

Ollie turned around as he continued to walk and they finally stopped in front of two large doors that opened as they walked into the huge dining room.

"Wait a minute, what are we doing here?" asked Maddie as they all turned to look at her.

"Aren't you supposed to teach us how to convey blondie?!" asked Maddie, eliciting an audible sigh from Annie and Matt.

"Of course I am Maddie." replied Ollie.

"Then what are we doing here?" she asked confused.

"Well you only just got here, and it's already afternoon, I thought that you would like to have lunch first before anything." replied Ollie gently.

"No, no, you thought wrong, I don't want to eat lunch!" replied Maddie as Annie looked at her incredulously.

"Alright, wait, wait, firstly Maddie, that is obviously a lie, I know you, and I know that you are hungry." said Annie.

"Secondly, can you please relax with the whole 'learning how to convey thing', I am hungry, and I want to eat, we can't just do whatever you want first." said Annie as Maddie frowned.

"I don't care about eating, I feel like this blondie is trying to cheat me, the only reason I agreed to come here is because of that and that alone." she said as she narrowed her eyes at Ollie who was ever still smiling.

"You don't need to feel that way Maddie, I have no intention of cheating you, I said I would teach you something and I will." he said with a gentle smile on his lips.

"I promise you that I will teach you to convey, but just not right now." said Ollie as Maddie scoffed.

"You don't have to worry, we have the whole week, and I'm not running away to anywhere, you're stuck with me inevitably." he said in a sing song tone that caused Maddie to sneer.

"Whatever." she replied.

"Great, so we'll have lunch first, and then after that I will show you to your rooms, then you can settle in, we have dinner later, and then tomorrow, we will begin your training." said Ollie.

"Alright blondie, alright, but I promise you, if you go back on your word tomorrow, your face will meet a pounding." said Maddie as Ollie did not seem scared one bit, all Maddie's threats of physically harming him were mostly empty... at this point he had just concluded that she had a very violent nature.

"Of course, but it won't get to that point." said Ollie with a smile.

"Now come on, let's eat." said Ollie as he walked to the large dining table and he sat down. Matt sat beside him while Maddie and Annie sat across them.

Ollie clapped his hands lightly as three maids walked into the dining room as they swiftly and efficiently set the table and once they were done they took their leave as swiftly as they had come in.

"I am not going to lie, I am starving." said Ollie as he served himself and instantly started to eat.

"Didn't you eat in the morning?" asked Annie as she served herself.

"I did, but today just decided to be unnecessarily hectic." replied Ollie with a chuckle.

"Yeah right, I'm sure you were extremely excited that we were coming today." said Maddie with a sneer as she ate her food.

"Well not really, I would like to say that I was, but if I'm being honest, it completely slipped my mind that you guys were coming today." said Ollie with a chuckle.

"Really?" asked Annie in surprise as Ollie nodded.

"Yes, I did, believe it or not, I forgot about it completely, it wasn't until one of the maids called to inform me of your arrival that I remembered." he said as he laughed.

"That's really unbelievable dude, you were excited the whole week and yet you forgot on the day that was really important." said Matt as he laughed.

"Well I will not lie, today was one of the most unpleasant days I've had in a long time. The bexigram slime was just the icing on the cake." said Ollie.

"Was your day that bad?" asked Annie.

"Believe you me, today was just like 'I can't get a break and if I want one, I have to work unnecessarily more in order to.'" said Ollie with a shake of his head.

"But when you think about it, one bad day is worth it, because now I officially have a week off. No unnecessary calls, no boring High Council meetings to attend, no sending me on impromptu visits to run inspection checks." said Ollie.

"This week is just for me to relax, and for you guys as well." said Ollie as he smiled.

"I'm glad that you get to relax for once Ollie." said Annie she she smiled at him and he smiled at her.

They continued to talk about other things when Ollie realized that Maddie kept on looking at the entrances to the dining room as if she expected someone to come in at anytime.

"What's wrong Maddie?" asked Ollie as Maddie looked at him.

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"Well you aren't as chatty as you usually are, and your eyes keep on darting from the entrances." said Ollie.

"Wow very keen observations blondie." said Maddie in sarcasm as Annie and Matt looked at her, agreeing that Ollie was right.

"So what's wrong?" he asked as Maddie scoffed.

"Nothing." she replied as Annie wanted to say something but Maddie quickly added.

"Blondie where are your parents?" asked Maddie as it seemed like she had changed the subject, but Ollie had a look of realization on his face.

"Well they aren't here right now." said Ollie as he smiled, he was much more relieved knowing that Maddie was uneasy because of his parents and not someone else.

"What do you mean not here? Where are they?" asked Maddie with a raised eyebrow.

"Well they went on the trip to the Werewolf Realm this morning." said Ollie.

"Really now?" asked Annie as she was surprised.

"Yes they did." he replied.

"How come they had to leave so suddenly, if you don't mind me asking?" asked Matt.

"No, not at all. The King asked to see them, and well, initially they did not want to go, but they decided to go yesterday." said Ollie.

"How come they leave when on the next day we happen to be coming over?" asked Maddie with a raised eyebrow, this was truly suspicious.

"I assure you that they did not leave because you guys were coming over." said Ollie.

"But it sure seems like it." said Maddie.

"It's not, they decided to go since it would be a diplomatic trip. They couldn't send me because I was already extremely busy with everything at the Council, and they could not just send a representative because it would be the third time in a row that they were unable to honour the invitation, and the werewolves are very... let's just say, they don't like it when their kindness goes unpaid." said Ollie.

"So my mother decided that it would be best that they went themselves, besides, it would serve as a mini vacation for them. She has wanted a change in scenery for a while now." said Ollie as he explained.

"Oh how convenient." replied Maddie as Annie had to agree with her, the timing of their trip was a little odd.

She had nothing against the King and Queen. King Albert had even apologized for the way he behaved towards her, not too long ago. She just felt that it was quite odd that the King and Queen would leave their home just at the time they were bound to spend a week here.