Feeling of longing

"Okay, okay, okay." said Maddie as she took a deep breath, closed her eyes and concentrated with all her might as still yet, nothing happened.

"*Ugh* This isn't working blondie!!! What am I doing wrong??!!" asked Maddie in frustration as she groaned in anger.

"Maddie, calm down, relax, getting worked won't solve your problems." said Annie loud enough for Maddie to hear her where she was as she paced up and down.

"Annie's right Maddie, you need to relax." said Ollie as he conveyed to the other side to meet Maddie as she slightly jerked back when he suddenly appeared in front of her.

"How can I relax when for some reason you all are able to do it and I can't?" asked Maddie angrily.

"Should we go over there?" asked Annie as she looked at Matt.

"Nope, let's let Ollie handle this, he is the teacher after all." replied Matt.

"You're right." replied Annie as she nodded.

"You just need to relax. Like you said, we all can do it, which means that it isn't impossible, you just need to free your mind." said Ollie as Maddie scoffed.

"Is there anything else you're thinking about besides conveying?" he asked as Maddie frowned at him.

"Of course not blondie!" she replied angrily as Ollie reached out his hand to touch her forehead as Maddie was frozen in shock by his action.

"What the heck do you think you're doing?" she asked as she narrowed her eyes at him.

"Checking if you have a fever, maybe you're feeling a little bit sick and that's why you can't concentrate well." he said, the back of his hand still on her forehead. He knew that he had a feeling that she was unwell by her warm greeting in the morning, and yes, he knew that he said 'warm' considering that this was Maddie he was talking about, that was the warmest she could be with him.

"Get your hand off my forehead before I cut it off." she declared, her malevolence present.

Ollie had taken his hand off her forehead before she even finished the sentence. He did not want any trouble, and he liked his hand the way it was.

"Alright, you're fine, just focus, and get rid of anything distracting, once you unlock that feeling of longing, you will be able to convey." said Ollie as he disappeared and rejoined Annie and Matt.

"Now try again." he shouted as Maddie scoffed and turned to look at him.

"Focus my foot, I'm focusing already, if you don't take me where I want to go, I'm going to deal with you." she said to herself, she did not even bother closing her eyes, she was fed up at this point, she just wanted to get over there.

Annie, Matt and Ollie waited patiently for something to happen when in the same moment Maddie suddenly disappeared as well.

"She did it!!" said Annie in excitement as Ollie smiled in relief.

"Yes she did!" he replied.

"That she did, but where is she? Isn't she supposed to be here by now?" asked Matt as his question raised an alarm in Annie and Ollie's heads as they suddenly heard the sound of Maddie screaming, causing them to look up as she dropped in from the sky.

"I got her, I got her." said Ollie as he moved forward and stretched out his arms as Maddie fell right into them and stopped screaming.

"I did it!!! I did it" she said jubilating as she found herself on the other side.

"Yes, you did, but how come you were gone for so long and you ended up in the sky asked Matt as Maddie realized that he had not been the one to catch her, instead it was Ollie, and she was still being held by him.

"Drop me." she commanded as Ollie could promise you that he felt a chill run down his spine, nevertheless he made sure to put her down on her feet gently, after all, he was raised to be a complete gentleman, regardless of how undeniably rude and dangerous Maddie could be.

"I don't know why I landed up in the sky, but at least I did it!" replied Maddie as she smiled happily.

"Maybe you forced yourself to do it, and that's why instead of sitting on the bench you fell from the sky." concluded Ollie.

"Well whatever, it doesn't matter, what matters is that I finally did it." said Maddie happily as Ollie did not seem too happy about that.

"Alright, we'll move on from this, we have established that you all can convey, now all you need is a little bit more practice, so I want you to get used to moving from one place to another by conveyance." said Ollie.

"So practice going there and here back and forth for about five times, and then you'll surely get a hang of it." he said.

"Okay then." said Annie and Matt as Maddie nodded, completely determined not to fail this time.

And so began their practicing. Annie was up first, she seamlessly moved back and forth across the courtyard with no trouble at all, and before they knew it, she had done it five times.

Next up was Matt, who also found it easy to move from where he was to where he was expected to be. Honestly Ollie felt so proud seeing his students achieve so much in such a short period of time. 

And then it was Maddie's turn. Surprisingly enough she managed to convey back and forth fluidly, however her movements were sloppy and her descent was clumsy. She almost tripped on her feet as she landed in front of Ollie but her managed to hold her up straight.

"Be careful." he said as Maddie scoffed at him.

"I did it, didn't I?" she asked as she smiled after scoffing at him.

"You did, but you need more practice so you don't fumble on your feet, that can be dangerous." he said.

"Got it." said Maddie as she smiled, she was happy that at least she was able to convey on will, it didn't matter if her movements were clumsy, it would get better with time and more practice.

Ollie smiled, he was happy to see her happy, and he had to admit, she was a very good student, even though she didn't look like it, she took to all his instructions and corrections.

"Alright, now we have mastered basic level conveyance, now to further destinations, like the balcony over there." said Ollie as he pointed ahead to the balcony.

"Isn't that a bit dangerous Ollie?" asked Annie as Ollie snapped his fingers disabling the barrier for a while as he enlarged it to.

"Not at all, if anything goes wrong, I will catch you." said Ollie with a smile.

"Well here I go." said Matt as he disappeared and appeared standing on the balcony a moment later.

"See it's perfectly safe!" he shouted from up above as Maddie laughed.

"This is way too cool." she said giggling as Annie shook her head and disappeared, appearing right beside Matt as they high fived.

"Okay Maddie, you're right, it's really cool." replied Annie as she laughed.

"See, I told you." said Maddie smugly as she disappeared.

One second passed, two, three, four, and then and entire minute passed and yet Maddie was yet to reappear.

"Umm Ollie...where's Maddie?" asked Annie in worry as she quickly appeared right beside Ollie as Matt did the same.

"I am wondering the same thing right now." he replied as he looked around.

"I'm worried Ollie, where is she?" asked Annie in worry.

"I don't know, she's been gone for far too long now..." said Ollie with the same worry.

"But she couldn't have gone somewhere else...there's a barrier right?" asked Matt with a frown.

"That's what I think too...but she's been gone for far too long, and it's been two minutes already." said Ollie, he could not lie that he wasn't worried. Maddie had been gone for far too long and conveying could be severely dangerous when you were unsure of what he was doing.

"Ollie, what if she's lost in conveyance space or whatever??! Where is she?" asked Annie in panic. Her friend was lost, they didn't know where she was, and she was not supposed to be able to break out of the courtyard since there was a barrier up? So you could not blame Annie for being so worried.

"Relax Annie, let's go look for her, I doubt that would happen, maybe she somehow broke through the barrier and ended up somewhere in the Castle, come on." said Ollie as he snapped his fingers breaking the barrier as they all rushed out the courtyard to look for Maddie.

"Maddie!!" called Annie as she turned to the left and received no reply.

"Should we split up?" she asked Ollie as she turned to look at him.

"No, no, it's best we stick together." he said, his eyes closed as he opened them.

"She's in the Castle, come on." said Ollie as he rushed in the opposite direction.