The First Meeting

"When picking participants for this adventure, why this person? He has no name, no backstory, has nothing special about him, all we know is that he's adopted, heck he's not even rich".

A strange meeting occured

"Don't worry father, this boy is still trouble, trouble that we will be enjoying soon enough, right girls?" they both nodded in agreement while the third one continued on looking at the photo of ...

"What Codename should we give him? I think Glitter sizzle". The girls looked at her with confusion, she went silent and let them finish discussing, "Why not Devil, it's a good name and it describes him".

"No that won't do for him, excuse me, are we even trying?" They all looked at each other as one was expecting the other to answer what she said. "Enough, I'll call him .... Steel".

After he stamped his name, we look into Steel's Daily life, Steel doesn't have a name due to the fact that his family never paid attention to him due to the fact that his father was an illegal businessman.

While his mother only cared about money and had spent a lot on the best things. Steel on the other hand was different and had problems with cooperating with his family.

They didnt let him enrol in school, they didn't let him make friends, heck they never let him out of the house, they even tried to make him one of them but he declined.

April 26 2021

"Ey Boy, get ready, we're going somewhere, theres something that we need to get rid of and you need to be there, no questions and just get ready, you got it?" Steel replied with a nod.

As we was finished getting ready, he realised that it was just him and his dad and after they left the house, he drove over the speed limit to get to the docks.

"DAD, stop you might hurt someone". He replied with, "shut up you nosey brat, you have caused me and your mother a great deal of pain and now it's time for you to disappear for good".

He didnt like what he was hearing but after saying that, they were already at the docks where he grabbed him and pushed him inside a pirate like ship, he drove off with glee while Steel was upset.

As he made his way onto the docks of the ship, he was seen by 17 other teens, some looked to be from other countries, as they saw him, they ignored him since he was wearing outdated clothing.

As he got up, he went far away from them and sat by himself hoping nothing else would go wrong but that was when he met her.

"So you must be the new recruit". Steel was encountered by a girl with White, oily hair is pulled back to reveal a fine, frowning face. Clear hazel eyes, set well within their sockets.

Steel could also see that she had Smooth skin that gorgeously compliments her eyes and and leaves a pleasant memory of her reckless luck.

"Allow me to introduce myself, I'm Thea, Captain Thea, If you please, and today you and the rest of these participants are going on thrill of adventure, hope you're ready because its Mayhem Time".

She gave an evil like smile to Steel and this made him feel paranoid but as the introduction was finished, two other girls came behind her, one looked to be Steels size and the other had a slender body.

Steel then looked on as he was questioning himself on what was going on.