
As Unknown woke up, she saw that Steel was fighting with Crimson about what he was doing with her. As she defused the situation.

Brook arrived and told them to focus on the mission and as Brook got ready to meet the boy and his mother, Unknown acted out as her lesbian wife.

Rico and Steel found it funny but Crimson knew that the mission was impossible if they were going to joke around.

As the mission unfolded. Steel was acting as watch to see if any strange activity occured, Crimson was in standby to find the perpetrator.

As Brook and Marcie were undercover, Brook as bait and Marcie for hacking and finally Rico was monitoring any activing from cameras.

As they were invited by the boy, "What's your name by the way, I'm sorry we didn't get to introduce ourselves. I'm Brook and this is my wife Marcie".

The boy replied saying, "My names Sam and that's my mom Mia". As they got to know each other. It wasn't moments later where Mia acted strangely again.

She then goes to pick up a phone call and she seemed distressed by who it was.

Marcie used her hacking abilities to hack into the phone and hear who it was.

"Listen, if you don't play nice, then we'll be ready to have ourselves a little fun". After the call ended, Mia hastily fastened the locks.

Brook expressed concern but Mia tells him that she can't fix everything that she had to worry and immediately told them to leave.

Marcie then tracks the number of the prank caller and Crimson gets the location and starts to pursue him by car.

While in pursuit, he gets a call from Steel that he saw a suspicious man walking near to Mia's house and told Rico to give Crimson help now.

Steel then starts apologizing for his problem and asks him to pursue the blackmailer without him, and realizing what he's doing, insists that he let it go.

Eventually he catches his target and hacks his phone, learning that someone put him up to this. He gives the information to Rico.

As he collects the information, Rico then send the coordination to Steels current location due to him needing help.

Steel then called to say that he was having problems since the intruder brought back up and is attempting to kill him.

"Hold on buddy, I'm on my way, keep them busy for as long as I can get there". Steel then replied "Whatever you say, as long as you're ass is coming".

As Crimson drove as fast as he could to get to Steel, Brook and Marcie also helped with buying more time for both Steel and Crimson.

Steel had been in a tight position for a while and was ready to be in for a long day but that may change as Crimson arrived.

Crimson decided to take care of the enemies and as he took them down one by one, he could already that Steel was safe.

As Crimson drove him back in the Motel, Rico picked up a signal. "Yo Crimson, mate you and Steel arent safe because theres someone that's after the data that we've collected.

You got to find him and stop the hack". Reece then gave them the coordinates and as they had arrived, the perpetrator was escaping.

As Crimson and Steel attempted to kill this hacker, Crimson told him to stop and to grab that hacker. "Wait why?" Crimson said that he would explain everything.

Steel grabbed him and put him in the car and drove back.