
The university was extremely huge. It was a whole city being managed by one person 'The dean ' there was almost nothing you could not purchase.

At least for Lana and Diane but that will definitely not last forever. They already spent a lot getting themselves a comwatch that cost fifteen earth coins each.

Diane and Lana spent most of the week touring every aspect from classrooms to clubs, society and jobs. Though one would not think they would be in any need for cash.

The university did not use earth coins or ground notes nor the galatical currency. All university used points to avoid extremely rich people to get through.

Points could be earned through various activities like doing missions but these points only purchased special items.

Points and missions still had nothing to do with new students they were not exposed to the other side.

"ORIENTATION starts in Seven. " An announcement was made. It rang through the premises of the classes and halls.

Lana pulled her hair into a bun and rushed towards the clear field. She was still unclear if 'in seven ' was supposed to be in seconds or minutes but whatever it was she had to hurry. As long as she got there quick she could calm down.

In her race towards the clear field, figures zoomed past her letting her eat their dust. That was exactly what to expects especially if they got high scores in agility.

Finally arriving at clear field she sees a sea of different people of various hair colour. The extreme variant like green, blue and purple were a complete reflection of their habitat.

It was common for people who lived in space to have a variant hair colour. Not that it mattered, hair colour was one thing but being strong was all that mattered.

Humans obviously should not be stuck in some civil war while they had more to fight for.

Ignoring the strangeness as she had never seen so many space resident before they were humans and that mattered for now. Her eyes desperately searched for Diane her bff but it seemed she would not find her until later in the evening.

Lana found it strange that she had always enjoyed quietness but she seemed a little bit sad that she was no longer spending so much time with Diane even though it had only been a week and it would probably get worse.

A male voice resonated through all their ears making it seem like the person spoke right next to them.

"Welcome to University of Magic were the 'Survival of humanity ' Is our motto. Some of you might be aware of why these motto is so important but others do not "

"With our strength humanity have been exploring other stars but our residents planet seems to be under attack. You all do not have to worry as we will fight every single invader of but we need the help of the knew generation which is you. "

A little pause as Sir Garald Juan looked over the students. A majority who seems excited.

" As you all know University of Magic is known for strength in Energist and Elementalist but do not worry these year we invited the great Mecha warrior and builder Mr Tabble Dawg "

" Lucky Diane " Lana thought.

Though they had not been aware threat humanity was facing. Tabble Dawg was a famous household name. He was said to have saved human race with his sweet Mech skills. Diane knew more than Lana as she was a fan of his.

It was one of the people who inspired her love Mecha.

" Fighting is prohibited on School grounds any grudge can be battled out on the arena. You can only change classes in the first year so please choose wisely. "

The rest were a complete breeze as Lana did not pay attention to anything.

Sir Garald Juan was numb to the welcoming of students while getting a Mech teacher will get their school a lot of recognition and improve their ratings. Not every shinning face he sees brimming with such joy might survive this harsh world.

The laws, though were very clear. Informing them of the plain truth was impossible, it must be coated in sugary goodness.

The orientation was soon over and everyone dispersed fast.

A month had passed and living a university life was different and almost as imagined. There was absolutely no time for yourself, especially since they had talents it seemed like they were trying to squeeze the potential out of you.

"It has only been a month " Lana cried out.

She was frustrated. No sleeping in class ... Quick naps...or Snacks.

It was all banned and worst part was she could not sneak around it as it could get her punished. She could drop out but she had a goal. Well everyone did.

" You are lucky , at least your not a Strength Major. I have to carry huge boulders every morning. " Souree answered brushing her bob cut hair.

" Yh but the potentials have it so much harder and better " Diane said; throwing a pink pillow at Lana.

" Worst part is they do not believe we could measure up to them at all " Lana replied ; catching the pillow.

She could throw it back but she was not childish so she decided to sit on it.

Diane noticing Lana was about to sit on her pillow she jumped out of bed and grabbed it.

" Girls...." Souree cut in

" Lana we can't measure up. Have you seen them..... Thankfully we still share a class but they carry the boulder like it was a bag and they do not break a sweat...If that is not potential what is..." Souree said.

The girls sat on the bed and we're not sure if they should sob. They all wanted to carry huge boulders like it was nothing including Lana sadly they were not Specials potentials or Geniuses .

Just ordinary.

" Hey, we could work hard and probably be dark horses " Lana cheered.

" Sure after eating some magical plant " Diane said with a sour tone.

" Diane, Lana is right we could try at least " Souree supported.

" Imagine us walking around with huge boulders " Lana demonstrated by walking with a very small pillow on her shoulder.

Souree laughed.

"Sure if we want to look like that " Diane mocked.

Lana threw the pillow on her face and laughed.

The girls continued to tease each other all night long or at least before Jane's arrival.

Jane was an awkward bone among them not that it was bad but she clearly stated that she could not relate with people like them.

As easy as it was to guess she was a special potential.

Jane was not supposed to be sharing a room with the other girls but there was a mix up and every other room was full.

Since her very blatant dislike the girls avoided her and told her to do the same.

" Elements are broad and ambiguous. It separation into various sections 200 Years ago was to vague to be considered while it is still a basic group other we only use it for the basics. " Mrs Carrmin said

She paced around the room and clicked the remote in her hand.

With her other hand waving at the board a stellar like diagram appeared. It was a 3D holographic motion picture.

In the pictures were what seems to be the basic grouping of the elements.

The water , air , earth and fire. A basic four nature element.

" If you have all studied like I believe that you have you would observe that the diagrams all represent an element.

The first four at the top is man basic elements findings.

The next were discovery that followed quickly. Ice, Space, Time, Sunrays.

Soon after came the Plant , Crystal , Metal, Warp, Light and Darkness.

They are many on discovered ones and others a merge between one or two other element. It was easily determined that the more mental power you have the easier one could channel these power of nature.

Energist on the other hand are born with pure energy particles that is used for power it is a major of heat and plain energy.

Physics was a main thing for Energist has it is a way for them to use there power.

Hmm... Let's move on "

She paused.

" The less elements you are able to interact with the better. "

The remaining class was a video clip of how a man used is elements.

The video was shot about 290 years ago as the poor video quality.

The man on the video was sitted on the floor with his hands put out in front of him. His eyes were closed and his fingers were moving gently.

The ground under him began to increase. The distance of his seat to the ground grew. His hand folded in a fist and it stopped.

His fingers stretched out further as his hand began to wave up and down, the puddle of water began to move towards his hands.

The video was cut short

It was interesting seeing how people of those time used there elements.

' Though a more advanced video of live show would have been very much appreciated.' It was a simple thought going through the mind of every students.

No explanation was given to the video but Mrs Carrmin transferred it to their comwatch.

" Please do study it as you will have to do a simple basic test of elements in three days time. The video should be watched over and over again. "

She faced the teachers exit and left. The students remained in their seat for a few seconds as they wanted to be sure Mrs Carrmin was not coming back.

Lana picked up her bags with the rest and walked to her next class. While it did not seem long but the video lasted for an hour, Lana found it weird that she had not fallen asleep in between.

Lost in thought about what was wrong with the video she arrived at her next class. The study of energy particles.

Captain Carl was a formal pilot of the Naas 1. He lost both his leg in a pirate raid but successful defended the ship and it's Seven billion worth of goods. It was not just the goods worth but the use of those goods.

Each crate had a very dangerous biochemical test subject that was not to be released to any one.

If the pirate raid was successful then not only could it be used to harm innocent space resident or small earth towns. It could be sold to crazy revolutionaries.

Thanks to him. All that did not happen.

Captain Carl decided it would be best for him to teach the basics of Energy particles.

Lana found him to be a legendary man. Though she has no idea why he rejected the artificial leg replacement or a biological leg replacement. There had been so many options but he refused every single one.

Captain Carl was not as grumpy as expected. Unlike Tabble Dawg, the man was extremely mean and grumpy.

It was completely unexpected for a hero like him, there was absolutely no encouraging the younger generation all he ever says was how they would be crushed the moments they walk into the battle field.

Diane was unable to comprehend what he was talking about as she and almost all other students were sure the human race only did exploration.

It was the era of peace. No strange chills....No disaster...

It might seem boring but everyone, the government were more concerned about the exploration of vast universe.

Diane was torn between the unexpected behavior of her hero, role model and her love for Mech.

She really did not have much to choose if she gave up her love for Mech. Then it was obvious she really did not like it.

More importantly Lana would be alone and she would also mock her for being a loser. How could Diane allow a girl who sleeps through almost everything to mock her.

On a cold grey chair Garald Juan turned around in his seat. His desk was the only thing that separated him from The great Mr Tabble Dawg, it took him a lot of effort to get him into the university and he was not going to lose him so easily.

His elbow rested on his desk has he held a list of complaint to his face. It was a complaint for the replacement of Dawg and it was not from the students has they had just had contact with him.

"Dawg , these is another complaint list this week " Garald sighed.

The chubby man stared at Garald and continued to stroke his long grey beard. It was a match to his grey hair that did showed a lack of proper grooming.

" I can not do anything about people not liking me. " He shrugged.

" Really, you asked for a noise emulator in the teachers quarters and you changed the menu to all pudding.... I wonder what the students have to say if these are just teachers. "

" Absolutely nothing those fish bones and spineless jellyfish are a complete waste. Do you really need me to train those bunch. " Tabble said

"Yes the rating on our Mecha department is extremely poor, if the school would like to measure up to the best space university then we need a good Mech teacher. You have first experience using a mech for over twenty years. Your experience and intimate knowledge is what we need. " Garald explained.

It seemed more than obvious that the explanation was provoking has the old Mech warriors beard seem to fly up in rage.

" First hand experience....All you seem to care about is your stupid rating. You are well aware of the dangers of the world out behind our walls. Should I tell the students of the horror of the battle field. Your rating seem more important than the lives of these students. " His every word dripped with rage and anger.

Someone like Tabble understood the dangers of the beautiful the lived in. He had experienced it and watched so many young ones die.

While his experience was while he was highly sort out. He never appreciated it those who hide behind people like him never see these horrors. So they have no care they train student or next warriors out.

Garald felt guilty for mentioning his experience but it was true. " The rating grants more resources and investors...Tabble Dawg if we do not train them then the losses will be higher. A chance of survival is the best thing they can get. "

There was silence in the office has both were men were lost in thought.

" I am not making any promises " Tabble said

" Good enough for me... Dawg please be kind " Garald asked.

" And don't forget to teach the students you have ignored them for a month already. "

Ratings were everything to a university and resources were everything to produce A class students and A class geniuses.

The more ratings means the higher resources grant and that means much more ratings in turn.

Though it might seem cold but only resources aid development without the resources the young potentials will go to waste.

Garald was thinking about all the good that it always escaped his mind that his need for resources was also a danger.

Sourcing resources apart from the competition was in the spatial barriers. A place of un imaginable danger.

Lana closed her eyes and continued her simple meditation rhythm. Ever since she had gotten the book she had always practiced it every night

It was not because she had any idea if it's power but the fact that she could sleep more comfortable in that posture.

Diane on the other hand practiced her meditation after exercise for a more productive reason. It relived her sore muscles and cleared her mind.

It was a good thing Lana parent gave them different meditation books.

Meditation books might be very common but it was also highly sort after.

The common ones lacked specialisation and the special ones were only reserved for specials and Geniuses got rare ones.

These was because the number of geniuses were very few.

" Jane why do you spend time in that room you could demand a change in environment "

" You do not think I have , there is no available space. The space crash increased the amount of space students and which means more specials. " Jane complained.

This was something Lana , Diane and Souree had wondered. It was obvious Jane had a dislike for them but why had she not left or demanded a change of room.

Lana and the girls thought the school might have refused it.

It was kind of clear how wrong they were. Jane had asked for a room change but an accident in space was why she could not get it.

Before the resumption of the students. A huge crash happened in space or at least that was what the heard.

A spatial barriers collapsed desimating apart of the Soffrit University of The seventh space resident. It causes a large hole and lack of provisions for ten percent of their specials.

The arrangements was clear sadly Jane being one of the unfortunate arrogant few did not arrive early for the room allocations as asked so she lost her room in the Specials lounge.

" You should have come earlier " The girl whispered

" I thought they treated specials nicely now I am stuck with the commons " Jane cried

" Hey just hang in there and avoid them. A spot should open soon. " Hanny consoled.

" Yeah that what they said " Jane waved goodbye to Hanny and walked toward what she felt was a slum.

It was very much disappointing for her to be sharing living quarters with the commons but she had no choice.

Her cold glare increased as she walked into the room only to be soon put out. No one looked at her or acknowledge her present they all seemed busy.

Lana looked like she was asleep , Diane seemed to be reading.and Souree was writing her projects.

It was kind of lonely being alone but she felt it was better than being a common one.