Chapter Two - The Crimson King (Part 2)

Kyou advanced to his chamber, pausing outside the adjoining shoji leading to where the subject of his thoughts slumbered. His hand hesitated as he slid open the translucent doors and paced to her bedside. Still asleep, the little witch appeared so serene he itched to touch her.

He had bedded many beautiful women, some even residing in his personal harem yet the smoothness of her features, the tilt of her pert nose, the slant of her high cheekbones and the satin of her finely arched brows captivated him deeply. His gaze traced her unique silver strands that fell in soft ringlets about her beautiful face and shoulders. Her fragility roused his protective instincts and this newfound softness in him wasn't helping his foul mood.

Tentatively, his fingertips brushed the softness of her cheek, enjoying the sheer suppleness of her skin. She stirred at his touch and he yanked his hand back as if scalded by hot water. The witch let out a soft groan that did funny things to his insides. It certainly stirred his groin and he frowned at his body's reaction.

Her lids fluttered softly, and he found himself staring into depths of mercury silver mirroring his own surprise. He couldn't see her uncanny eyes that night. Now, he was acutely aware of the brilliant shades of cinereal reflected in her irises.

Having encountered exotic beauties in his travels, one would think he had seen it all but, never had he met anyone with her peculiar coloring. Kyou wondered if she really was a witch.

A second too late — he didn't see her jumped and next he knew, he was flat on his back. Her slim body restrained his while a jagged object threatened his throat.

"What do you want with me?" Her perceptive eyes bored into his.

"It seems you enjoy being on top of me every time we meet," he pronounced dryly. "Maybe next time we could do this on a bed instead. I assure you, the experience will be much more pleasurable."

Her cheeks flushed but, she dug the weapon deeper into his skin. "Why did you bring me here?"

"I don't appreciate being threatened by a woman whose life I saved. In this position, no less."

Her venomous glare drew a weary sigh from Kyou. "If I wanted to harm you, I wouldn't have saved you, would I?"

Inka held his gaze for several heartbeats, recognizing the truth within those frosty depths before dropping her makeshift weapon. She tried to stand but her body swayed, and her legs folded. Hitting the floor on her knees, she covered her mouth to swallow a sudden rush of nausea.

"The side effects must not have worn off," Kyou commented. Without asking for permission, he carried her back to bed. "You should rest more. We will talk when you can form a sentence without collapsing."

"I don't trust you anymore than you trust me," she bit out, fire burning in her eyes. "You killed my tribe!"

"Accusing the Emperor of murder is an offense punishable by death, little girl," Kyou warned, his face suddenly all hard lines and angles ─ male beauty in its purest most merciless form. "If I were you, I'd watch my tongue."

Rising up to challenge him, she spat out indignantly. "I saw you pointing your sword at the Chieftess! You were going to kill her if I hadn't stopped you!"

"True, that was my intent. I'm not a sitting duck waiting to be killed. If anyone threatens me, then he or she must be prepared to die. This is the reality we live in, and if you believe otherwise then you're stupidly naïve," he countered in a flat, even tone.

"There was no reason for you to attack my people!" she shouted, her eyes filling with tears. "We didn't do anything wrong!"

"Any louder and you'll have the guards running in here," he mocked with distaste. "Let me advise you that I have no patience for weaklings who are quick to judge and accuse others for what their useless minds cannot comprehend. Don't you think before you speak?"

"I only believe what's in front of me." She grounded her teeth as anger whipped through her, eyes filled with contempt for this man.

Closing the distance between them, he roughly seized her jaw. "Let me clarify this misunderstanding you have about what truly happened. Unlike you, I analyzed the situation and believe we were set up. Your mother and I conveniently fell into Kusunagi's trap and now everyone you know is dead."

His bluntness stabbed her wounded soul and tears flowed. She neither spoke nor backed down from his angry scowl. She had too much pride to surrender defeat, especially to a heartless man like him. If she bared her throat in submission, then she would lose whatever respect he had left of her.

Kyou's chest burned with frustration. This woman was so weak and frail, he wanted to shake some sense into her, yet her tears had the strangest power to move him. Not only was he feeling guilty but, he was irate at himself for letting her turn his world upside down.

His words were intended to punish, and yet there was no sense of victory. Not when she was breaking down in front of him while vainly retaining her dignity. Releasing her none too gently, he demanded. "Was the man you spoke to Kusunagi?"


"What did he say?" His eyes narrowed in a calculative manner. "You owe me that much for saving your life."

Inka wanted to hit him for his arrogance, instead she squeezed her eyes shut and composed herself. "He said he won't kill me because I will be of use to him."

Kyou processed that information carefully. He was right.

"Why did you save me?" she pressed boldly, changing the subject.

It was a simple question. One he didn't know how to answer without giving away the turmoil in his own heart. So, he focused on what was important. "It's simple really. You're going to become my bait to capture Kusunagi."

Fury arced through her bloodstream and she bared her fangs. "Kusunagi is mine to kill!"

"The Chieftess may have been your mother but what you want isn't important." He brushed her off. "Kusunagi is a threat to the Kingdom and if he starts a rebellion, it will be difficult to control. I don't care what kind of vendetta you have against him." Their stubbornness clashed. "You will help me capture him."

"And why should I listen to you?" she retorted hotly, attempting to stand.

"Sit down!" he barked, shoving her back down when she teetered. "Believe it or not, the only chance you have of finding him now is through me. You don't have the means or connections to find Kusunagi. Your entire clan is gone!"

Inka wanted to yell at him that not all was lost. Her brother, the womenfolk, and the children were alive. But she couldn't trust him with such vital information, so she remained silent.

Kyou could see the wheels of her mind turning as her eyes darted around the room. Now he was certain she wasn't a spy because her face was a panorama of emotions. "Forget about escaping from here. The palace is heavily guarded from within the walls and outside." He waited for those bewitching eyes to return to him. "Obey and lend me your strength. I'll grant you your freedom after Kusunagi is apprehended."

Inka weighed her options against defying the Emperor or heeding his command. What he proposed was indeed the better choice. With his infinite power, they could locate Kusunagi faster. But what would happen once he was found?

She mentally paused.

When they find Kusunagi, she would have to kill him before the Emperor could get his hands on him. There was no time to waste. The longer she spent cooped up in here, the less time she had to track her missing tribespeople.

Taking a deep breath, she nodded jerkily. "Alright, I will be your bait."

A victorious smile framed the Emperor's lips. "A wise decision. Then, I shall leave you to rest. When you feel better, we shall discuss my plan to hunt Kusunagi down."

"But I have a condition," she interjected quickly.

Kyou fixed her an impatient look. "What is it?"

"Allow me to return to my village and pay my respects to the dead."

Kyou's gaze narrowed, knowing there was more to her condition than she let on. No matter, he would grant it. The little witch was an open book and soon he would uncover her motive.

"Alright, you may. But, I have one condition to add to yours," he stated briefly. "I will be the one to escort you back to your village."

Her lips parted in astonishment. She didn't expect him to, and frankly, she didn't know why he was concerned. His presence might hinder her true objective, but nothing would change so long as she confirmed her brother was alive.

"Fine," she huffed, crossing her arms. "When do we leave?"

His eyes drifted down her torso almost too intimately, causing an unexpected heat to bloom in her core. "Dawn, the day after tomorrow. I will send a servant to prepare you." With that parting shot, he left, taking the clean scent of warm, citrusy male with him.

Inka sagged in relief and her lungs expanded evenly. Being in the same vicinity as the Emperor was mentally taxing and his proximity did strange things to her insides. She felt unbearably hot.

Her heart paced. No! She needed to focus on finding her family and if the first step was to eliminate Kusunagi, then she would learn to make peace with the Emperor. She needed him to accomplish her mission.

"At least things are now working according to plan," she murmured, falling back into bed.