Chapter Seven - A Travelling Companion (Part 2)

— Back at the palace

"Your Majesty, a royal messenger from Shiryuu has arrived," Jin announced from the study's doorway.

"Send him in," Kyou instructed, his mood as black as the rumbling skies outside. This morning when the maid interrupted his routine, looking flustered and out of breath, he knew what she was going to say. He had seen it coming, even though he had warned Inka not to test him.

As much as he wanted to drag her back, he was besieged by his duties. The little witch would have to wait. Even the thought of her as a capable warrior failed to eclipse the worry churning in his gut.

A stout, overweight man dressed in Shiryuu's royal blue executed a dramatic bow. He unfurled a sealed scroll and cleared his throat. "In deference to Your Majesty, Emperor Kyoutarou's request to pay His Majesty, King Kairyuu an official visit in the province of Shiryuu — has been respectfully declined."

Kyou slammed his fist on the table, startling Jin with his rare temper. "On what grounds does he decline my request?"

"Please your Majesty, this humble servant is only a messenger." The man cowered, his gaze darting anxiously. "Pardon my saying but, His Majesty King Kairyuu has not been in residence for years. His advisor, Lord Sakasama oversees all current affairs." A tremor of desperation betrayed Shiryuu's dire situation.

Kyou forcibly unclenched his jaw, taking a deep breath to calm himself. "That idiot brother of mine. What havoc has he done now?"

"D-does Your Majesty wish for this humble servant to relay an official response to Lord Sakasama?"

"No, thank you. You may leave."

The royal messenger bowed and left, his retreating footsteps echoing rapidly. Steepling his fingers, Kyou configured a plan. "Jin, prepare us to leave for Xin palace immediately, and after that we'll head for Donggu. We're going to find that idiot brother of mine."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

It was long due for him to reconcile with his brothers - for peace's sake. After ascending the throne, he struggled to confront his older brothers, lacking the strength and experience to be a dependable ruler. Now, he was confident that he could set things right.


Inka devoured the entire bowl of noodles and dumpling trays, releasing a satisfied burp at the end. It was the best meal she had since her misadventure with Kyou.

Ryuu guffawed at her laid-back personality. It was the first time a woman didn't bother to impress him with ladylike pretense. "Tell me, why are you headed to Donggu?"

"Have you heard about the Ashina tribe massacre? I am one of the few survivors who is separated from my tribespeople. The last I heard, they have been caught by slave drivers and I'm going to rescue them."

"I heard the Crimson King was responsible for that tragedy." He adopted a pensive look. "It won't be easy to track them down."

"I can't give up." Inka's hands fisted in telltale frustration. "I'm afraid I'll be too late if I stop trying. They are everything to me."

Emotional connection was something Ryuu consciously avoided. The damage it wrought was heavier than the euphoria of love. He refused to experience the pain of betrayal or losing a loved one ever again. "Are you referring to family member?"

"My brother." She confirmed. "In our tribe, we are all family. We care, love, and protect each other. No one is left behind. It's our way of life, especially when living in a harsh desert climate. It's impossible for anyone to survive on their own."

He heard the singular determination in her voice, unable to comprehend her loyalty and conviction. What did it feel like to have a single drop of her passion? Would he have turned out a different man - a little more responsible, a little more unselfish or a little more loving?

A faded memory of his brother flashed in his mind. 'A united country of peace and love…that is the Kingdom I wish to build.'

"I am envious." He admitted with a heavy heart. "I've never been compelled to achieve something so passionately in life. Don't you hate the Crimson King for destroying your tribe?"

Inka caught the edge in his question, feeling a stab of annoyance that everyone believed the worse of Kyou. "The Emperor isn't responsible for my people's death. It was a set-up. We were betrayed by my tribesman, Kusunagi. That night, we were ambushed and the Emperor was framed. Our Chieftess was murdered and so were our men." Palpable sadness poured off her in waves. The traumatic memories were still too fresh in her mind. "Nobody suspected a thing."

This revelation stunned Ryuu. He had been convinced that the Emperor had a hand in it. "Word had spread that the Ashina tribe had displeased His Majesty and he annihilated them to set an example." His seriousness contradicted his jovial nature. "He's ruthless. It's how he earned the title of the Crimson King."

"Why do they call him that?" She was genuinely curious.

"A few years back, Emperor Kyoutarou was embroiled in a dispute between the other nations. His brothers heartlessly pitted their best soldiers against each other in a game of sheer dominance. It was ghastly and entirely unjustified. Many people were killed and injured, some even lost their limbs and became crippled. The Emperor objected to their power struggle and took it upon himself to wipe out the troops in his path. He created a bloodbath in his wake — a crimson river of blood. It's how the title Crimson King was born. He proved he was the highest power and commanded the nations to stop fighting or he would lay waste upon them."

It was hard to piece this fragment of Kyou's past into the man she knew. Had he felt remorse, pity, or anything at all when he killed those men? Men with loved ones waiting for them to return home?

"Do you feel sorry?" He noticed her unusual silence. "The Emperor doesn't need your sympathy or pity. He's a heartless bastard."

He wasn't wrong. Kyou was ruthless, but she had seen his softer side…as much as he was capable of. She didn't want to hash this out with a stranger. "Well, it doesn't matter. Right now, my mission is to save my people and rebuild our tribe. Kusunagi's betrayal is a stain on our history, but we shall persevere with my parents' legacy woven into the fabric of our souls."

There weren't many people Ryuu respected but, there was something about her that fascinated him – no guile or pretense. She gave as good as she got. "Then allow me to help. I was getting bored anyway and I think it'll be adventurous to tag along. Isn't two better than one?"

A beholden smile stretched her lips. "If you don't mind, then yes I would enjoy the company."