Chapter Nine - The Three Princes of Xi (Part 1)

Chapter Song Suggestion - "Yilan Love Story, TaiGekTou"

"I'm serious, Kyou!" Inka released an unladylike growl as they descended the mountain. Her legs flailed uselessly. "Put me down. There's someone I have to save."

"Your brother isn't here." He resisted the urge to smack her defiant bottom.

"No, he's a friend! If we don't hurry, he'll get sold!" She curled an arm around his neck, mimicking a chokehold that forced him to stop.

He finally set her down, his expression anything but sympathetic. "And why should I care?" Intense dislike for this faceless man filled him — a stranger who couldn't even keep a woman out of danger.

"It's my fault he's in this mess." Her features contrite. "If we don't save him, he's going to end up in the clutches of a perverted master. No one deserves to be mistreated or shamed." Inka's unyielding stare challenged him. "You're the Emperor of Xi. Isn't that reason enough?"

Kyou felt an unwelcoming throb between his brows. She was right. He had allowed jealousy to cloud his judgement. This never happened before. He studied her pleading face, wondering if she was more detrimental than good in his life. If a man's arm were rotting, he would be told to cut it off to save his life — a gruesome comparison but, he was reluctant to let her go. In fact, the thought of her disappearing from his life again made him unspeakably queasy.

He mentally shook off the bizarre thought. She even upset his way of thinking.

"Please Kyou," she grabbed his hand. "He's the only friend I have since I lost my family."

His annoyance diminished, though he wanted to shake her and demand what he was to her. Sighing in defeat, he said, "Fine. We'll save your friend but," their gazes connected, "You will give me your word that you won't get into anymore trouble."

She grimaced. Crossing her fingers behind her back, she lied through her teeth. "I promise."

Kyou didn't miss the twitch of her eye or the hand behind her back.

Rei smothered a laugh. His friend was wrapped around this young woman's finger and there was nothing he could do about it.

Kyou shot him a dirty look. "You're buying."

"Alright. But you'll owe me, Your Majesty," Rei acquiesced with a satisfied smirk. Money was no object for either of them, but he looked forward to calling in the Emperor's debt. Kyou wouldn't be able to reject him the next time he wanted a fishing companion.

Inka squeezed Kyou's hand, drawing his attention back to her. "Thank you."

Silver eyes regaled him and strangely, it made him uncomfortable. He was no hero, and he didn't want her to assume he was one. Expectations weren't new but, disappointing Inka would redefine the way he perceived failure. Nobody was perfect, especially not loved ones. Schooling his expression, he tugged her along. "Come on, let's get this over with."

When they returned to the den, Inka's lungs froze at the sight of a half-naked, trussed up Ryuu with his silky, coffee coloured hair framing his ripped torso. Without his turban, he looked essentially different and delicate in his unconscious state — a celestial sacrifice.

Behind her, Kyou and Rei stiffened.

"Your Majesty isn't that — oof! " Rei threw him a questioning glance for that uncalled jab in his side.

Kyou flashed a warning glare. He didn't want Inka to know who her 'friend' really was.

"Going once!" Madame's voice alerted them to the closing bid. "Going twice!"

"Wait!" Kyou objected. "I bid fifty-thousand papers for that man!"

The crowd exploded in whispers of fury and disbelief.

Madame's lips curled, her voice purring with delight. "To purchase two slaves in one night, you are no commoner young man."

"Do you accept my bid?" he pressed, stalking towards the altar.

"Sold!" Madame banged her gavel. "You may take your slave and leave."

As Kyou untied Kairyuu from the wooden pole, Rei paid the Madame. He could only imagine what fanciful story she had spun about Kairyuu's background. She happily pocketed the money and openly eyed his brawny physique. "Thank you for your patronage. I hope to see you again at the next bidding."

Revolted, Rei muttered. "Don't count on it."

They hauled Kairyuu out of the grotto. Once they were out of sight, Inka searched him for injuries, undeniably worried. "I hope they didn't hurt him too badly."

"He's breathing fine," Kyou snapped. He had the overwhelming urge to toss his brother to the ground and hoped the impact would jar him awake, or maybe knock some senses into him. "They sedated him. A wild slave makes a hard sell."

She expelled a breath of relief. "Thank goodness! It was my fault we were roped into this."

"I have no doubt," Kyou mumbled, thrusting Ryuu to his Commander.

"It's time we return to the palace," Rei remarked as he heaved the unconscious King over his shoulder. "Jin won't be able to keep up the ruse for long."

"You're right." Kyou agreed, securing Inka's hand firmly within his. He wasn't letting her out of his sight again. "Come."

"Where are we going?" she yelped when he hastily dragged her along. "And what are you doing here in Donggu?"

"You're such a troublesome woman," he fretted mostly to himself.

"Slow down!" she cried, wincing when a jagged pebble dug into her flesh. "I'm not wearing any shoes!"

Kyou slowed his pace, his gaze roving over her dirty, bloodied feet. "This damned outfit is a nuisance." It angered him because slaves weren't given the privilege of shoes. Barefoot slaves were easily identified and returned to their masters for punishment if they escaped.

Inka fidgeted uncomfortably when he stared too long. Goosebumps broke out along her skin – and not from the cold. She was alarmed when he started removing his shirt. "W-what are you doing?" Involuntarily, her eyes ate up the hard, chiseled planes of his broad chest, dropping to the defined vee of his hips.

Her mouth dried and her core clenched. Growing up in the tribe, Inka was no stranger to naked men but, this was the first one she itched to explore with her own hands.

"You can't traipse around wearing that," he chivalrously covered her in his larger silk shirt. His warmth and scent lingered in the fabric — marking her — making her feel protected.

"Rei, hand me your jacket," Kyou demanded. "Even I can't go walking around like this."

Inka's gaze was drawn back to his muscled chest. Was it as smooth and hard as it looked? "But the farmers do." To her dismay, she sounded upset.

Kyou smirked. He wasn't vain but, he was pleased she found him attractive. "Do I look like a farmer?"

No, she thought. He was too gorgeous and clean-cut to be dismissed as a rustic farmer. Inka drew the shirt tighter around her. "I am truly thankful, and I sincerely apologize for the trouble. This wasn't supposed to happen." She glanced at Ryuu. "We were only trying to locate my tribespeople."

"I don't deserve the credit," Rei disclaimed cheekily. "It was His Majesty who saved you. Though, he now owns the both of you."

"I will pay you back the money. I swear it!"

"Forget it. A hundred thousand papers would take you more than a lifetime to pay me back." Kyou waved off her concern.

"No! I won't be in debt to you," she stubbornly refused.

"Don't worry, witch. You will be paying me back." His wolfish grin raised the downy hairs on her nape. "With your body." He yanked her closer. "You will be staying with me. No running off to find your brother or tribeswomen. I own you — body and soul."

"You must be joking." Her tone shy of incredulous. "I told you, I can't just stay with you and — ack!"

"I will help you," he cut her off, swinging her up into his arms. "That's part of the reason why I'm here."

Circling her arms around his neck, Inka stared up at him. Surely, she had heard him wrong. "You came here for me?"

"Yes and no."

She shot him a look. "Which is it?"

"I admit I did hope to find you in Donggu but, I came to make peace with my brother, King Shuhei. While I'm here, I promise to help you find your tribespeople," he paused, looking mildly pensive. "I only hope my brother would lend us a hand."

Her lips flattened. "I don't understand. Why the change of heart?"

Kyou distinctly flushed, noticing his Commander's smug smile. "We'll discuss this when we're alone."

Now she was dying to know his reason. She had never seen him unsettled to the point of blushing. But they were already moving, and she supposed it would have to wait.


Upon entering the palace, they were bombarded by the Emperor's retainers.

"Your Majesty!" Nobu, his youngest retainer exclaimed in a panic. "Advisor Jin is being prosecuted for impersonating the Emperor of Xi upon King Shuhei's orders!"

"That idiot!" Kyou cursed and hurried to the main hall, flinging the doors wide open without a care for propriety. Jin was caged down on his knees, his clothes and hair were ruined by the guards' rough treatment. "Release my advisor at once, Shuhei!"

"Guards!" Shuhei roared furiously. "Arrest this man and his entourage! They are enemies of Donggu!"

Disbelief and outrage contorted Kyou's features. "Your accusation is absurd, Shuhei!" More guards flooded into the room.

"Kyou!" Inka cried out when she was brusquely tackled.

"Inka!" He turned to glare at his brother. "What is the meaning of this, Shuhei? This is a crime against the Emperor of Xi. If you refuse to call off your guards, then don't blame me for what I will be forced to do." Like flint and iron striking to create sparks of hatred, the two siblings were locked in a stare down. "It's your choice."