Chapter Thirteen - Bonds (Part 1)

Chapter Song Suggestion - "Charlie by Megan Wofford"

They began their journey to the Golden Thread Road in Shuhei's royal conveyance - the women and the King himself enjoying the cool interior while the others rode under the scorching sun.

Sliding open the window, Shuhei regarded his brothers with a mystified expression. "How could you prefer the heat over my luxurious leather seats? It's not too late to change your mind and join us."

"No, thank you," Kyou declined. "I dislike confined spaces and the sun doesn't bother me."

"We've ridden like this our entire lives, Your Majesty," Rei remarked casually. "We're trained soldiers. Not tofu."

The Commander's words hit its mark when the King visibly frowned. "You're very lenient with your subordinate, Kyoutarou."

Kyou's response was a lax smile. "I don't know, brother. Has age turned you soft?"

"Don't get ahead of yourself. You may be the Emperor but I'm still your older brother," Shuhei uttered, slamming the window shut.

Ryuu snorted from behind. "Still as sensitive as ever."

By noon, their entourage was warmly welcomed by Captain Makio who oversaw the Golden Thread Road's construction. "Your Majesty, I am deeply honoured by your visit. What brings you all the way out here?"

"At ease, Captain. How is the construction coming along?" Shuhei scanned the dust covered grounds and labouring figures. "Are these all the workers under your command?"

"Yes, Your Majesty and the construction will be completed by the month's end."

"Excellent," Shuhei nodded, tucking his hands behind his back. "Please gather your workers for me, Captain. I'd like to have a word with everyone."

"As you wish, Your Majesty."

Blowing into his whistle, the Captain motioned for the workers to take a break and come forward. The gathering crowd wore expressions of fear and suspicion. Some fidgeted nervously while others kept their heads lowered. No doubt, they wondered what these well-dressed people wanted with them.

"Presenting His Majesty, King Shuhei!"

In a blink of an eye, everyone fell to their hands and knees. "Hail, His Majesty! Long live the King!" No one dared to make eye contact or sudden movements. Terror thickened the air — a familiar reaction around the royal family.

Observing them, Inka wondered if this was how she had appeared to Kyou the first time. Had she worn the same look of terror on her face?

"Please stand," Shuhei assuaged. "I bear no ill will, only to ask that you hear out a friend of mine. She's searching for her family, and I hope you can help." He stepped aside, gesturing for Inka to step forward.

Nervously, she pushed back her hood to reveal a cloud of silver hair, rousing a flurry of murmurs and whispers. "My name is Inka, and I'm from the Ashina tribe. I am looking for my missing tribeswomen and children. Has anyone seen them?" Heart racing, Inka searched the crowd for a familiar face, gripped by disappointment when she saw none.

The workers exchanged silent glances, but nobody spoke up.

Noticing her crestfallen expression, Kyou was about to open his mouth when he saw the running figures in the distance. Clasping her shoulder, he urged, "Look, over there."

She followed his gaze and her breath seized. Waving his hands frantically in the air was a little boy. "Igido!" Behind him were a stream of women and children - all safe and sound.

Tearing across the distance, happy tears blurred her vision. "Lupa!" Her arms stretched wide open to catch him. Dropping to their knees, they cried and talked at the same time. All anyone could hear was a blubbering mess of garbled words.

"Inka! We missed you!" The children fell in a circle around them, fighting for her attention. The older women burst into tears, taking turns to bestow their deceased Chieftain's daughter a blessed greeting.

Watching their joyful reunion, Kyou witnessed the tribe's love and respect for the little witch. Inka was undeniably the Princess of Ashina and in that moment, he realized she was a Queen in her own right.

"You're wearing the same look I had when I fell in love with my Sarai," Rei piped up beside him.

Absently rubbing the place his heart resided, Kyou asked. "Is this what it feels like?"

"There are many forms of love. Some are short-lived and some lasts forever. It's for you to discover if what you share with her is real."

Kyou didn't know what to say, watching the woman responsible for his illogical stirrings of love. What was it about her that enthralled him? Her spirit? Her sense of duty? Or her compassion? There was no other way to describe this softness inside him when it comes to her.

Silver eyes melted when they met his. Her happiness was enough light up his entire world and a sense of contentment washed over him. Inka presented her dearest brother to him. "Kyou, this is my brother Lupa," she announced proudly, "Lupa, this is His Majesty, Emperor Kyoutarou."

"It's an honour to meet you, Your Majesty!" Lupa exclaimed with the temerity of a ten-year-old. His eyes shone with reverence as he asked, "Are you truly the Crimson King? I've heard so many stories about you. I can't believe my eyes. I think you're amazing! And how you brought down the rebellion!" The little boy gasped for breath. "A-And Kusunagi is now dead because of you! Is it true that you single-handedly wiped out an army?"

Kyou was amazed by the child's enthusiasm. Nobles and enemies had praised him for his cunning and ruthlessness, but no one ever admired him with such unadulterated honesty — it was...wonderfully refreshing.

Flustered by her brother's onslaught of questions, Inka opened her mouth to berate him but quickly noticed Kyou's rapt attention and tender smile. She gaped. Never could she imagine him making such an expression. The two bonded like kindred spirits.

"It looks like I was worried for nothing," she murmured, shoulders relaxing.

"I've never seen His Majesty this relaxed with a stranger." Rei snuck up from behind. "Your brother is an amazing boy."

"I apologize for his behaviour," she said sheepishly. "He's inquisitive and once he starts talking, he can't be stopped."

"Don't be. A child with an active mind shows promise for the future." The Commander winked. "It's about time Kyou met his match." They shared a chuckle.

"I'm glad they're all safe. I couldn't have done it without everyone's help." Her throat tightened.

"Don't sell yourself short. If you weren't determined in the first place, no amount of searching would have helped. To be honest, I've met your father once," he admitted, jerking her gaze back to his. "We met at the border when he was returning from a hunt. I could tell in a single glance that he was incredible. You have the same fearlessness I saw in his eyes." His tone gentled. "I'm sorry about his death but, I'm glad that his spirit lives on through you and this tribe."

The Commander's confession was unexpected and so was his faith in her. She felt the sharp prickle of tears and muffled her sobs. "Thank you."

His mouth stretched into an encouraging smile; no words were needed. If anyone ever asked what her most unforgettable moment in life was — this one — would be her answer. There was nothing better than being with family and watching the two men she cared for getting along famously.


Ryuu was astounded when a curricle rolled up out of nowhere bearing baskets of food and beverages. He threw his brother an incredulous look. "When did you plan this?"

Shuhei chuckled confidently, wagging his finger. "My instinct never fails me."

"Come on, Ryuu!" Kuriko tugged on his shirt sleeve. "The food looks amazing!"

Inka was grateful for Shuhei's generosity, but also perplexed by how he knew things would turn out this way. "Is Shuhei clairvoyant?" she whispered to Kyou.

"Don't be ridiculous. He's always been good at making circumstantial guesses." Kyou dismissed her claim, helping himself to some chicken stew and bread. "He probably had a servant watching us. If things didn't go well, the food would be sent back to the palace."

She deflated at his logical reasoning. "That makes sense."

"Igido!" Lupa called out. "Are we going back to the mountains?"

Kyou's hand froze in mid-air.

Inka hesitated. "I'm not sure, Lupa. I haven't given it much thought."

"We can go anywhere as long as we are together!" Lupa exclaimed optimistically.

"Why not let your people stay here in Donggu for the mean time?" Shuhei suggested. "I can arrange a place while you accompany us to Nanyang."

"Thank you, Shuhei," she kindly rejected. "But I think it's time that we return to Shiryuu."

Beside her, Kyou stiffened, unable to believe what she was saying. Had she planned to leave him all along? A slice of betrayal cut through him, but he ignored it. He wanted to hear what she had to say.

"Our ancestors were nomads and it's our way of life. We can adapt anywhere and rebuild our clan as long as we are together." She quoted her brother, who beamed brightly.

Shuhei's eyes darted from Kyou and back to Inka, at a loss for words. Realizing this was a private matter they needed to resolve on their own, Shuhei tugged the young brat away with the promise of sweet treats.

"Where are they going?" she asked in bafflement.

Kyou set down his food more harshly than he intended to. "I forbid you to return. You're mine." His nostrils flared. "I own your body and soul."

She was stung by his audacity. "Don't be silly, Kyou. You know I can't stay with you forever."

"No, I don't." Kyou shot to his feet, his emotions strangling him. As usual, words failed him, and his face closed over. "I'm happy that you found your family but if you think I'm letting you go, then you don't know me at all," he declared coldly before stalking off, his posture rigid and stiff.