Chapter Fifteen - Bathhouse Date (Part 1)

Chapter Song Suggestion - "Heartache by Jurrivh"

After everyone retired to their respective chambers, Inka and Kuriko were instructed by the maids to enjoy the bathhouse — courtesy of the King. After a long day of travel, they jumped at the chance to dip their bodies in the healing waters.

Reclining against the heated pool, Inka gently scrubbed her skin while Kuriko swam back and forth, loosening her stiff muscles.

"It feels wonderful!" Kuriko exclaimed, splashing around like a jubilant child. "I would never take baths for granted again."

Rinsing her hair, Inka laughed. "I haven't had a proper bath since I left Shiryuu. All I had was a water basin and towel to clean up every day."

"At least you had water. I was chained to a wall."

The grim reminder of what Kuriko had endured filled Inka with sympathy. "I apologize for my thoughtlessness. How do you feel? Have you had any attacks recently?"

"I feel a constant headache now and then but, it passes quickly. I don't hallucinate anymore, although my hands still shake from time to time." She demonstrated her trembling hands to Inka. "It's hard but Kairyuu's been helping me to cope. Honestly, it's embarrassing when the King has to clean up your vomit. I'm grateful for his determination to see me recovered."

"I think you bring out the best in him," Inka teasingly stated.

"Why does everyone keep saying that?"

"Months ago, I had no clue what the King of Shiryuu looked like. I only knew that my King was an irresponsible, corrupted, and vain man who neglected his duties. He allowed the nation to fall into hard times. People were treated unfairly, and the nobles only grew more bloodthirsty. If Ryuu doesn't put a stop to it, I'm afraid Shiryuu will descend into a state of irreparable damage."

Kuriko absorbed this information with a grave face. "And what is your opinion of him now? Have you changed your mind?"

"No." Inka snorted indelicately. "I gave him a piece of my mind when I discovered his real identity. That bastard tricked me, claiming to be a traveller when I have been nothing but honest with him. He was lucky I didn't beat him to pulp." She grimaced. "I guess our relationship is still strained. We haven't had a proper conversation since we found you."

"I'm speechless," Kuriko admitted through a turmoil of emotions. "I didn't realize that when Kairyuu told me his story about neglecting his responsibility, it actually meant ruining the lives of so many people. He was so ashamed when he confessed his faults. I can't seem to fit the two Kairyuu's I know together. One is indifferent while the other cares deeply."

"He's showing you a side of him nobody else knows. I don't think he's a bad person, just a bad King. But I have seen the determination in his eyes – that he wants to change. I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt." Inka threw out a mischievous smile. "Dare I believe that you're the reason for his recent behaviour?"

Kuriko flushed at Inka's meaning. "I-I-I think it's just a coincidence. Kairyuu despises drug abuse, and he feels strongly because I'm a victim. I truly believe he's guilty for failing his subjects."

"Maybe." Inka still sounded unconvinced. "But I like him better around you."

Kuriko's ears turned as red as her cheeks. Wrapping a towel around herself, she hastily climbed out. "I-I think I'm done washing! I'll see you at dinner."

Inka giggled as the poor girl ran off. Floating on her back, she lazed a little longer, feeling drowsy by the second. As her eyes drifted shut, a pair of hands shot out from underwater to grope her breasts. She shrieked in alarm, her frantic movements sending waves across the pool.

"If you scream, you're going to bring the guards running in." Kyou's heated breath tickled her damp skin. She jabbed an elbow into his stomach, and he had no choice but to release her. Furiously, she spun around and barked. "What are you doing? You're not supposed to be in here!"

"Why not?" He challenged, flashing a predatory smile as his eyes wandered along her exposed body, pausing at her pink nipples that pebbled under his hungry gaze. "This is an open bath and as long as you keep it down, no one's going to come in."

She crossed her arms, inconveniently hiding her chest. "And how can you be so sure?"

"Just a gut feeling," he responded distractedly. Dipping his head, he licked the droplets of water from her neck, and she shivered from the delicious rasp of his tongue.

"I missed you today," he told her as he kissed his way up the side of her face.

"How can you miss me when I was beside you all day?" Resignation and mirth had her muscles relaxing.

"I was focused on my brother."

She pulled back from his embrace. "What happens now? I don't quite understand why we're here." Her voice lowered to a whisper. "Isn't it dangerous for us to stay under the enemy's roof?"

Kyou sighed, leaning against a rock. Her breasts flattened against his hard chest and amazingly, she could feel the steady beating of his heart. Also, something warm and hard dug into her belly. She blushed, a curl of heat slithering up her spine.

"Don't worry. Akio won't try anything so soon. I think Shuhei was testing his involvement in the opium business. My brother's highly adept at hiding his emotions to the point where it's difficult to discern what he's thinking of."

"But wasn't he agitated by Shuhei's accusation about the General's involvement?"

"Akio doesn't take lightly to people condemning his men for crimes that have yet to be proven. He has a twisted sense of justice, that's why he believes that as the first-born son the throne is rightfully. If my brother had a drop of compassion in his blood, I might relent to step aside but, a human being who cannot sympathise with another would make my rule a paradise on Earth."

She traced the lean line of his collarbone. "To me, you were just a myth I grew up listening to. I don't think I'll ever understand the fear you inspire in people, maybe just a little from our first meeting but, it didn't last very long." She met his dark, burning gaze. "Why have you never interfered in your brothers' ruling? As the Emperor, don't you have the right?"

"I only have the right to intervene when a nation's problem affects the entire Kingdom. Otherwise, it would be disrespectful to my brothers."

Her lips tugged into a frown. "I don't think I'll ever understand all your rules. In the tribe, there is only one rule — the Chieftain's word is the rule."

Kyou chuckled, twirling the wet strands of her long hair. "Then you are lucky, because in my case, I am responsible over hundreds and thousands of Chieftains. I alone, can't keep everyone in line."

"That's true." Her eyes dropped to his lips. "Are we truly safe here?"

"I doubt it but, you'll have me beside you." He cupped her cheek, feathering his thumb across her silky cheek. "Akio can be unpleasant but, he's not the devil's child."

"How sure are you? Look at my case. My family was betrayed by a man we trusted with our lives."

He pondered for a moment. "I choose to believe that a son who loves his mother isn't a monster."

She shook her head adamantly. "Well, I think you're wrong. When I tried to connect with him, he shut me out quickly. He's a tough one. In my opinion, your brother shuns people and retaliates by hurting them if they get too close." She tilted her head. "Does that sound familiar to you?"

"If you're referring to my entire family, then I won't disagree. We're all burdened with our own personal trauma. It's the price we pay for my father's mistakes."

"Hmm. How did Akio's mother meet your father?"

"They met during an official celebration when my father was married to Shuhei's mother — the Queen of Xi. Marika was a nobleman's wife who was infamous for her infidelity and their torrid love affair wasn't a surprise. Gossip spread like wildfire, and it reached the ears of the Queen and Marika's husband. By then, she was pregnant with Akio and her husband filed for a divorce. After that, my father married her to legitimise Akio as the crown prince."

"So, while the Emperor and Queen were married, they never had a child?"

"Their marriage was a political arrangement. My father never consummated the wedding night to spite his wife. You see, they hated each other with a passion. After the scandal, he agreed to give her a child to quell her rage for stomping on her pride. That was how Shuhei was conceived."

"What about Ryuu and your mother?"

"You're full of questions tonight." He tweaked her nose. "Ryuu's mother was treated no differently from the rest of the Emperor's wives. She was the most beautiful woman in the harem, a gift from a neighbouring country as a symbol of peace. He married her for that reason alone and Ryuu was conceived to solidify ties but, it was a loveless marriage. My father resumed his philandering, marrying two more wives until he met my mother. She was a Duke's daughter who preferred reading, riding, and hunting than frivolous parties. She vowed never to marry a wimp who couldn't surpass her abilities and because my grandfather loved her too much to marry her off, the Emperor was rejected for the first time."

"It sounds too good to be true," she commented.

"My father was intrigued by her hoydenish ways. Perhaps it was the novelty and challenge she presented. My mother didn't hang onto his every word or tried to impress him. In fact, she insulted him at every turn and wounded him during a sword fight." He chuckled, remembering his mother's expression. "She was worried that the council would imprison her entire family for attempted murder. Apparently, my father never pressed charges because it was his fault in the first place. Everyone knew he made up a lame excuse to protect the woman he was wooing."

"And how did they end up married?"

"It took him one whole year to win her heart. My mother had doubts about their marriage, but she did it anyway because she truly loved him. Only God knows why. Essentially, they were married until the day she died."

"I've only heard rumours of your mother's passing but if you don't mind, may I ask how she died?"

"My mother died from childbirth," he confessed. "No one bothered to correct the rumours of her death, preferring the sordid version than the truth. I was going to have a younger sister but, she was stillborn, and my mother died from excessive blood lost. When we received news that both mother and daughter were dead, my father fell to his knees and bawled like a baby. It was the first time I ever saw him cry. He became grief-stricken and blamed himself for their deaths. I was heartsick too, but I spent more time worrying about his deteriorating health than mourning. He would lock himself in his room for days without eating and drinking. Days later, he died of a broken heart."

"I'm sorry," she murmured, cupping his cheek.

He offered a sad smile. "One month later, by my father's will, I ascended the throne, and my brothers were crowned Kings of their own nations."

"Growing up in the palace sounds onerous," Inka reflected wryly. "I'm glad I was born an Ashina member because even though our life and trainings were tough, we were always happy." Her face brightened up. "My father told me that during our ancestors' time, our tribe served as the royal family's covert assassins. My ancestors were exceptionally talented."

"I'm glad you no longer practice the old ways because my brothers might have paid you to kill me."

"I wonder if we would have fallen in love if we met as Emperor and assassin." She waggled her brows. "Wouldn't that be tragically romantic?"

He lowered his head for a kiss, stealing the smile off her lips. "Nothing would stop me from falling for you. And imagining you in an assassin's tight outfit," Kyou pressed his hardness into her, "Makes me want to do all sorts of naughty things to you."