Chapter Nineteen - When All Hell Breaks Loose (Part 2)

Humbled and empowered by Nana's words, Inka lifted her chin and declared with a glint of determination in her eyes. "Women of Ashina, I ask for your cooperation to assist the Emperor of Xi to subdue his enemies. It might be bold of me to ask when I have yet to earn my name as your Chieftess but, right now I need our power to aid and protect the innocent inhabitants of Beihai from the evil that plagues them. We were taught never to ignore the cries of the weak, and I won't stand by helplessly when I know we have the power to save lives. So, what do you say? Are you willing to lend me your power?"

The women's faces shone in delight, and some were sniffling with pride.

"We never guessed you would grow up to become so much like your parents, Inka!" One of them cried.

"Of course, we will help you! The Emperor helped to save our lives and reunite us. It's a debt we must repay."

"Yes! She's right, Inka!" The rest chimed in, clamouring with approval.

An illustrious smile championed her resolve and unwavering stance. She would be eternally grateful for their support. "I need twelve volunteers for this mission. The rest shall stay and protect Donggu. Keep the children safe and stay within the compound." She turned to Nana. "Sihu said the intruders are wearing the oni mask. Does the devil clan really exist?"

Nana's lips compressed. "Unfortunately, they do. Back when our tribe was still involved in covert assassinations on behalf of the royal family, there was a rival clan who made life difficult for our ancestors — the shadow devils — like us they killed for money. But, unlike the Ashina, the Oni clan were willing to do all kinds of atrocious deeds. They murdered, looted and schemed with anyone who could pay the price."

"Given their infamous reputation, why does society not know of their existence?"

"Their assassins go by the alias of Nerium. They are specially trained warriors who are seen only when they wish to be."

Inka wondered if that meant the ones they had met in broad daylight weren't the Nerium. But she imagined they were from the Oni clan. Perhaps the name Nerium applied only to the elusive and highly skilled warriors. "How many of them are there in existence?"

"Who knows?" Nana shrugged. "The Nerium is shrouded in darkness and secrecy. One thing I know for sure is that once you make a contract with the Nerium, you are bound to them by a blood oath. If you do not fulfil your bargain, or betray them, a long and painful death awaits you."

A shudder raced down her spine. If that were true, then Akio must have been mad to make a deal with them. Or just plain desperate.

"Do not worry," Nana reassured. "Take the young ones with you. We shall stay behind and protect the children. Even if the enemy is the Oni clan, you must remember that they are humans too, capable of bleeding as much."

"I will," she nodded steadily, facing the others. "Grab your weapons and we'll meet at the hall entrance."

"What is going on?" Lupa appeared.

"Iginvtli!" Inka knelt to her brother's eye level. "The women and I are heading to Beihai to help Kyou. You see, his home is under attack and so is this place. I need you to listen to Nana and do whatever she instructs you to. If someone attacks you, you know what you have to do, don't you?"

He read the gravity in her eyes and nodded. "Yes, I've been training everyday with Zene. You don't have to worry about me."

"What do you do when you are cornered?"

"Don't panic and find an opportunity to escape." He recited from memory.

"Yes, but make sure you really do that," she said and kissed his cheeks fondly. "I love you. Be safe and don't do anything reckless, understand?"

His lower lip trembled slightly. "Don't worry, I'll be fine. I will see you soon, won't I?"

"I'll be back before you know it." Rest assured her brother was going to be fine, she gathered the women and headed to the stables. She was surprised to see Ryuu and Kuriko waiting for her.

"I heard about the attack." Ryuu spoke first, nodding at her weapons. "Are you headed to Beihai?"

"Yes. Kyou needs our assistance. It isn't safe here either given that Shuhei has gone to engage the enemy in a fight."

"If Akio is attacking Donggu and Beihai, then I have a feeling he will not overlook Shiryuu." He looked her dead in the eyes. "I am returning to Shiryuu."

"While I don't underestimate your abilities, do you believe your authority hasn't been undermined by your prolonged absence?"

Ryuu managed a half-smile. "You have indeed underestimated me. If Shiryuu is under attack, then there is no better opportunity for me to reassert myself. Besides, the King who resides in my place is a pauper I hired as my stand-in. If he values his life above all then he will think twice about betraying me."

"Aren't you afraid that he has grown attached to the title?" Kuriko pointed out.

"My council is aware that he is a fraud and even if he tries to petition me out, it's impossible due to the old Emperor's decree. No one is allowed to dethrone me until after fifty years of my reign." A bitter edge laced his tone. "I suppose his tremendous guilt worked in my favour after all."

"And is Kuriko returning with you?"

"I've decided not to go home." Kuriko slipped her arm around Ryuu's. "I won't let my father dictate my life anymore. And if he wants me back, he will have to drag me kicking and screaming from the palace."

A smile stretched Inka's lips. "I'm happy that you have realized your worth. Send word once you reach Shiryuu." She pinned a levelled stare on Ryuu. "Although I never expected anything from you, Your Majesty, I anticipate the changes you will bring to our nation. If anything happens and you need my help, you only need to reach out."

Ryuu couldn't place this woman as the same person he had met in Beihai. His chest twitched with a surge of sentimental emotions. "You have become stronger. I feel almost sad to know that you gained an edge to your character. Has my brother's attitude rubbed off on you?"

Accepting his assistance, she mounted her mare. "I am still the same, only my eyes are wide open now. Given that I have experienced much in the few weeks, it was bound to change me. But my father once said that when you have something important to protect, that fierce desire to keep it safe will lend you immeasurable strength."

"And he was right on that account." He squeezed her calf in assurance before retreating to saddle his own horse. "Good luck, Inka. I shall see you again in Shiryuu."

With a flick of her reins, Inka and her tribeswomen rode through the palace gates at breakneck speed, hurrying towards the North. "Please let us make it in time," she prayed fervently, knowing she should have gone with Kyou in the first place.


The town of Donggu…

Shuhei reined in his horse, repelled by the damage wrought by the intruders as he took in the destroyed stalls — their smashed goods littering the walkways and bridges. Urging his horse into a slow gait, he soon sensed that he was surrounded. Had he walked into a trap?

Without moving a muscle, his eyes flickered from left to right approximating the number of masked assailants encircling him.

"I don't take kindly to invaders who disrespect my nation and have the audacity to hurt my people," he remarked coldly, reverting to his bitterness. "Now that you're in my turf, let me warn you that these mountains are my playgrounds. Don't think that you'll be leaving alive."

They pounced on him, darting shadows under the moonlight. Shuhei sliced off their hands before severing their heads in preternatural speed, causing the others to withdraw a step at the sight of their comrades' fallen bodies.

"Who's next?" Shuhei smiled savagely, cracking his stiff neck. "I'm willing to play as long as you don't disappoint me."