Chapter Twenty Two - Reformation of Shiryuu (Part 1)

"Please!" The woman fell to her knees. "I had no choice. They threatened to kill my son if I did not obey their orders!"

"Do you know where the cure is?" Inka demanded. Since dawn, she had been interrogating the palace staff and only one woman who had mysteriously disappeared after the attack snared her attention — a kitchen helper. Inka's suspicion was confirmed by the maids who attested to her strange, fidgety behaviour. Tracking down the woman, Inka found herself standing inside a shabby inn.

"No," the servant shook her head. "They only gave me the drug. I hadn't known. I am sorry, please don't kill me!"

Inka was disgruntled. If this woman hadn't a clue, then it was up to the Commander to wring an answer from their prisoner.

"Please, my lady. I didn't want to hurt anyone!"

Inka hardened her heart. Doubtless, this woman had been manipulated but, facts didn't change, and the army still slumbered. "Until the Emperor decides your fate, you shall be confined. Don't attempt to escape. It wouldn't bode well for you or your son. I will see what I can do to help." She grimaced. "While I believe you, it doesn't change what happened."

"Oh, thank you, my lady!" The servant cried, bowing her head repeatedly. "Your kindness is enough for someone like me."

"Come," Inka helped her up. "Stop crying. You don't want your son to see you in this state."

"Y-you're right. I apologise and thank you. If anything happens to me, I don't know what will happen to my son."

Inka remained silent, unable to provide words of comfort. This woman's fate was sealed the moment she betrayed the Emperor. All she could do was plead for leniency.

After reporting to advisor Jin about her discovery, Inka decided it was time to leave Beihai — with or without Kyou. He would undoubtedly be mad but, she was eager to reunite with her tribe. The sooner she helped to fix Shiryuu's problem, the quicker her uneasiness would subside.


Shuhei was happy to see her safe and unharmed, though his smile disappeared when he learnt of her intention to leave. "Why the hurry?" he asked.

"There's too much at stake and Shiryuu is needed to fight the war when the time comes. Without Shiryuu, the council is forcing Kyou to marry the Princess of Ryoga and I don't want that to happen." Her fists curled. "I will use all my power to help Ryuu and ensure that Beihai has his support."

A knowing smile curved his lips. "I see. Well, don't let me stop you. If there is anything I can help with, you'll let me know?"

"Of course."

And so, Inka packed up the tribe and they rode to Xin before sunset, receiving a warm welcome from Kuriko.

"I see you're already settling in," Inka embraced her.

Kuriko was positively radiant in her yellow silk robe. "Thank you, I'm glad that you're here. We've been waiting for you."

"How bad is the situation?"

Kuriko shook her head miserably. "Not only is the council deeply corrupted but the faux King has been slandering Kairyuu's reputation. In short, everyone is upset and angry with him."

"I knew this would happen," Inka sighed, feeling a distant headache. "Ryuu's irresponsibility and carelessness had led up to this. How he could have abandoned the throne to a complete stranger is beyond me."

"He is regretting it. Deeply." Kuriko bemoaned on Ryuu's behalf. "We've only begun looking into the corruption and it's deplorable. Last evening, half the council had been dismissed and exiled from Shiryuu."

"Where is the faux King now?"

"He has been incarcerated."

"Well, that is a start."

After entrusting the womenfolk and children to the maids, Kuriko walked her to the throne room. Inka gaped foolishly at the immaculate stranger who welcomed her. Gone was his slovenly appearance, replaced with ornate silks and leather befitting his station. Even his long locks had been tamed into a neat braid over his shoulder. Her gaze dropped to the emerald jade ornament dangling at his waist, identifying him as the real King of Shiryuu.

Tidily groomed with a natural superiority resembling his brother, she failed to recognise him. "Ryuu, what happened to you?"

He flashed a brilliant smile that showcased pearly teeth. "Kuriko has been choosing my outfits."

"That's because you are too remiss with your appearance," Kuriko nagged amicably. "A King shouldn't be traipsing around in tattered clothes and a turban."

Inka chuckled at his resigned expression, happy to see them getting along famously.

"Where is Kyou?" Ryuu asked. "It's strange not to see him with you. The pair of you are like the trending 'purchase one and receive another for free' hot merchandise."

She gave him a withering look. "He's recovering from an injury but, you can expect him soon."

Before she left, she had requested advisor Jin to delay her message to prevent Kyou from pursuing her. She didn't want him aggravating his wound, especially after she had nursed his mild fever last night. She shouldn't have abandoned him but, a part of her was still bitter about the Princess of Ryoga dilemma. Why did love reduce adults into immature children?

"Kyou must be losing his touch to be outdone by the enemy," Ryuu smirked.

"It wasn't his fault he was shot by a sedative." The words were out of her mouth before she realized. Clearing her throat, she changed the subject. "Enough about Kyou. You requested for my help so tell me, what can I do for you, Your Majesty?"

"My doppelgänger has been instigating a riot within my council apart from encouraging their corrupted activities. He let it slip that I hired him to make fools of my people and now the public antagonizes me more than ever." A troubled frown gripped the lines of his face. "I don't know how to placate their anger in order for them to heed my apology. You're the only one who knows the prior me and my current self. Is there any way we can convince the public that I am serious about my conviction?"

Inka scratched her chin thoughtfully. "This is harder than I thought. No doubt, they would be filled with years of accumulated hatred and resentment for you. Given the chance, I bet they would run a knife through you."

"Therefore, I am hiding in the palace," he stated sorely.

"A public apology might be a good idea," she proposed simply. "Instead of going around the problem, you should grab the bull by the horns and confront the public. Once they have vented their anger, then you can apologize." She released a heavy sigh. "But it won't guarantee your safety. There are too many factors to consider. A tall building or platform would be a good venue to start with. The worse they can do is throw rotten eggs in your face."

His lips compressed. "Why do I feel like you are enjoying my misery?"

"But it's unavoidable." Her smile was deliberately baiting. "You are lucky that pistols are prohibited in Xi or you might get shot in the heart."

"Fine," Ryuu reluctantly complied. "Let us proceed with your plan."

"W-wha ─," she stuttered. "I was only saying what crossed my mind. We don't know how effective it is."

"Frankly, I want this problem over and done with," he admitted sheepishly. "It's all I can think of and I'm losing sleep. Either way, my life will be at risk. If what you are suggesting gives me a chance to clear the air and take a step forward, then I'll do it. Besides, I do deserve to be castigated."

She grabbed his hands. "The fact that you are readily admitting your fault is the first step. It is important for the public to believe your sincerity. In order for them to comprehend, you need to be honest with everyone, including yourself." She searched his eyes. "Do you understand?"

He grimaced before nodding solemnly. "It's not easy but, if opening up old wounds would set things right, then I shall persevere."

"Good." Her eyes turned to steel. "Come tomorrow, we will be facing an angry mob. If your resolve is weak and nothing but an empty promise, then it's best to forget this."

Ryuu shook his head. "No, let's do it. I must do it. If I fail to own up to mistakes then, I am no better than my father."

"Alright," Inka said distinctly. "I'll take care of the details. All you need to do is be mentally prepared to bare your soul. Oh, and building up a thick skin wouldn't hurt."


Kyou bet the little witch enjoyed keeping him on his toes. When Jin relayed her message, he surprised everyone with a hearty, encompassing laugh.

"Has the fever gone to your head?" Rei casted him a wry look.

Life with Inka would never be dull. Kyou had expected this, perceiving she was still upset about his political marriage. She was easy to read, and he damned those old geezers for bringing up the issue. Inka had assumed that delaying her message would deter him from chasing after her, but she had underestimated his need for her. Kyou wondered how she would react if she knew that he could no longer live without her.

To Jin's dismay, Kyou insisted they depart for Shiryuu in the middle of the night, leaving Rei in charge of the palace.

"We're reaching the Capital, Your Majesty." Jin's muffled voice penetrated his woolgathering. His advisor had taken to riding up top with the coachman outside. Because his wounds weren't fully healed, he was forced to use the royal conveyance. Even if he hadn't, Jin would have threatened him to do so.

Sitting across him was General Nakoda who insisted on accompanying him. Of Apache descent, Nakoda had been a stowaway on a western trade ship. Naturally, he had been apprehended and thrown into the gaol. During his prison rounds, the old Emperor took pity on the orphan and appointed him as Kyou's playmate. How his father had presumed that a wild animal could befriend his son was anyone's guess but, it worked out well in the end.

"It has been too long since we travelled together," Nakoda reminisced, his teeth stark against his mocha-coloured skin. Staying true to his ancestry, Nakoda always wore a feather in his hair and dangling from his pierced earlobes were beaded earrings.

"You didn't have to come with me," Kyou muttered flatly, propping his elbow against the window.

"And miss introducing myself to my beautiful sister-in-law?" Nakoda beamed. "I'm still absorbing the fact that you chose an Ashina Princess for a lover, and I heard those old farts are pushing you to marry the Princess of Ryoga," he snickered. "Her Royal Highness is rumoured to be the most beautiful creature in the East."

"You forget that I do not lack for beautiful women. Even if she's the most beautiful, I won't be swayed."

Nakoda's brows rose swiftly. "Now I am even more curious about this woman who holds your interest."

"Just stay away from her," Kyou growled, acutely aware of Nakoda's black reputation.

"Come now, you know I only have eyes for Attaw. Although, no one has heard from her and I'm worried." Nakoda had always loved Attaw, although he refused to confess his feelings. His General was a masochistic bastard for emotionally torturing himself.

Kyou was relieved when Jin rapped on the carriage wall, signalling that they have arrived. Glancing out the window he perceived the avid stares upon his royal carriage. "I told Jin that this damned carriage would attract too much attention."

"You're the Emperor," Nakoda stated. "Why does it matter if you do?"

"Unlike you, I don't enjoy putting myself on display."

Nakoda shrugged. "Status and beauty are things that should be flaunted. You only get one life." A loud commotion had him leaning out the window. "What is with the ruckus, advisor Jin?"

"There's a riot in the town square. It looks like an angry mob."

"Let's have a look," Kyou urged.

"I would rather you not get involved, Your Majesty. The environment appears hostile."

"Just do as I say, Jin."

The carriage closed in on the crowd and Kyou immediately straightened to the sound of a distinctive voice — one he craved and dreamt of. He rushed out in a heartbeat.

"Where are you going?" Nakoda yelled after him.

Kyou shoved through the crowd and found her standing on a makeshift stage wearing a turban that accentuated her unusual eyes.

"Please, I beg you to listen!" she shouted, her expression slipping to reveal an inner desperation. "I too have suffered at the hands of the King but not the real King. It's true that he had abandoned us, but King Kairyuu sincerely wishes to atone for his sins. Give him a chance to prove it to you!"

"You're nothing but a paid whore he hired to trick us!" the unhappy crowd roared.

Kyou's jaw tightened. How dare they called her a whore!

"We won't be fooled any longer! He doesn't deserve to be our King! We want a new King!"

"That's right! We don't want a King who doesn't care about our welfare!"

"You're just one of his lackeys!"