Chapter Twenty Three - War (Part 2)

That evening, as Inka prepared to retire for bed, the children's notorious cries had her throwing on a robe and rushing out of her tent. Fear of being surreptitiously attacked by the enemy urged her to hurry. Her pulse leaped at the sight of the lone rider entering the camp – tall and dark. She recognized him instantly.

"Inka! It's the Emperor and Yan!" the children cried excitedly, fighting to touch the warhorse's pelt. Surprisingly, the stallion lowered its head to bask in their carefree affection, occasionally snorting in response. Inka relaxed, her gaze softening.

From atop Yan's saddle, Kyou regarded her with a secretive grin that had her flushing. "What are you doing here?" she demanded. It was appalling how her body rioted to attention at his closeness, his scent making her knees weak. "Shouldn't you be back at the palace?"

He noticed her tugging at her parted robe. Too late. He had seen her stiff nipples poking against her cotton shift. His smile widened. "I'm here to take you back. You know there's no place you can run or hide from me."

Her heart lurched. Stubbornly, she tilted her nose skyward. "This is where I belong."

"No," he corrected gently. "I am where you belong."

Inka yelped when he hauled her up and over his lap, jostling her robe loose to reveal smooth, bare legs. "Put me down!" she cried. "I am not leaving with you."

She was too busy fighting him to realize her scandalous position afforded him a wonderful view of her rounded bosoms. Tightening his hold on her, he bid the children and womenfolk goodnight before urging Yan into a canter.

"My brother!" she twisted around helplessly. To her dismay, everyone was happily sending her off as if she were a blessed bride gone home with the groom. Lupa was one of them. The little traitor.

"He'll be fine. Lupa has been doing well without you if you haven't noticed."

She sulked. "I'm still his big sister."

"And that will never change but, he doesn't need you anymore."

"And you do?" she challenged, folding her arms angrily. "I can't believe you just kidnapped me from my own camp."

"You belong with me," he declared arrogantly. "What was my brother thinking to set your tribe in a camp when there are proper chambers indoors. From now on, I forbid you to sleep without me."

His arrogance no longer surprised her. "Rather presumptuous of you, don't you think?" she arched a brow. "And Ryuu didn't force us to sleep outside. We are more comfortable sleeping under the stars than inside a stifling chamber."

"The presumptuous one is you," Kyou accused with a half-mocking, half-amused glance. "Why did you leave Beihai without me? Were you avoiding me?"

"I-I─," she stuttered, her ears turning red for being caught.

"You know what I think?" His hot breath tickled her nape. "I think you still don't fully trust me. The moment you see an opening, you run from me." Pain entered his hardened voice. "Are you that afraid of me?"

"I'm not afraid of you. It's just that everything is teetering on the edge of uncertainty and –," her voice trailed away as she bit the inside of her cheek.

"And?" he cajoled sternly. "Say whatever's on your mind or I'll stop the horse and we can stay here all night. I don't want you to doubt me — or us. I know I don't often say what's on my mind and my past is something I cannot erase. If I'm the reason you feel uneasy then please, allow me to fix it." His arms tightened. "I've never been more serious than I am now with a woman, Inka."

Damn it. How could he read her so well? Compared to him, was she an open book that made it easier for him? Because when it came to understanding him, she had to unlearn most of what she knew.

Digging her nails into her palms, she poured out her anxiety. "I don't like it. I don't want you to marry the Princess of Ryoga and this uncertainty eats at me. Running away…it's my way of protecting myself."

He frowned. "Why?"

"Maybe you're right. Maybe a part of me is afraid that one day I'll wake up and you're gone. I told you before, didn't I? Sometimes love isn't enough. What if you are forced to marry the Princess?" Wounded silver eyes met his, piercing his heart. "Where does that leave me? I'm not like you. I can't switch my emotions on and off at will."

He stared at her in stony silence. "Is the Princess the only reason you were trying to avoid me?"

Lowering her gaze, she nodded once.

After a brief silence, Inka was surprised when his shoulders shook. Kyou gripped her chin carefully, forcing their gazes to meet. There was nothing but joy and mirth in his eyes. "Listen very carefully. I said before that you are the only one for me and that will never change. If I can give you a solid reason to believe me, to show you that the Princess of Ryoga isn't a threat, can you love me without reservations?"

His words circled in her head. Love was supposed to be unconditional yet, it was hard not to let her doubts and insecurities slip in. Did she deserve his devotion if she agreed to his condition? "No!" she blurted fiercely, startling them both.

Kyou tilted his head questioningly.

"No," she repeated, calmer. "I don't want you to do that. This is something I must overcome on my own. If you have to give me a dependable reason to love you every time I waver or feel jealous, then it's not true love, is it? It only means that I don't trust you. And I don't want that. If you're giving me your all, then I want to be able to reciprocate your feelings."

Black eyes melted with love and amusement. The little witch had a cute side. "Alright, then I'll be here to support you. But don't make me wait too long or my impatience will get the better of me."

Finally, a smile graced her lips. Grabbing a fistful of his shirt, Inka pulled his head down for a kiss. It was slow and deliberate. At first, Kyou was stunned because it was rare for her to initiate physical contact. Swiftly recovering, he took advantage of her good mood and took his fill.

Heat uncurled between Inka's legs, dampening her thighs. Kyou's tongue was a sensual play of lush brushstrokes against hers, his taste of strength, ferocity, courage was even better than usual. Lust — sharp, dangerous, and unbidden squeezed her chest so tight she could barely breathe.

His breath ghosted her lips. "I missed you. Don't ever leave like that again."

Inka inhaled sharply from the dark sincerity of his voice. And the look in his eyes…"I won't," she promised breathlessly. "And I missed you too."

As they rode back to the palace, Kyou wondered if the little witch knew how tightly she had him wrapped around her finger.

For his sanity, he hoped she never did.


Two days later, a missive from Shuhei arrived.

"According to Shuhei's informant, Akio has joined forces with a foreign Prince who is supplying him with an army of soldiers. He has a fleet at his disposal, though its location is unknown." Ryuu read the note aloud.

Nakoda glanced at Kyou. "You were right about Akio's strategy."

"Then it means we can proceed with our plan." Kyou collected his robe. "Come, General. We must return to Beihai. With everything set into motion, we must finish preparing on our end. I anticipate Akio to launch an attack soon."

Advisor Hideyoshi entered the hall. "Your Majesties, there have been sightings of liveried soldiers marching through the southern border."

"The army is making its way to Beihai." Quickly, Kyou wrote two messages and handed it to Ryuu. "Give this to Inka. And the other one is for Shuhei. With all our main troops allocated, I must leave at once. Remember what we have planned."

"Don't worry," Ryuu's expression matched his brother's. "I know what to do. The soldiers will be marching out tomorrow."

"Then, good luck."


Inka was stopped by Kuriko who graciously handed her Kyou's note. "What's this?"

"It seems Akio has made his move. His Majesty and General Nakoda have returned to Beihai this morning. He left you this message."

Unfolding the paper, Inka scanned the contents.

"I am sorry for leaving without saying goodbye. I will happily accept my punishment when we meet again. Remember our plan and stay safe. There won't be a day where I won't be thinking about you. — Your lover, Kyoutarou."

"Is something wrong?" Kuriko demanded at Inka's fallen expression.

"So, it has begun," she murmured quietly. Squaring her shoulders, she ignored her heavy heart. "I'll see you later. I need to meet with Nana and the others. The war is coming, and we need to be prepared."


Somewhere in the South Border...

"General Tsugumo!" A soldier knelt at his feet. "The men are ready as you have instructed."

"Excellent. We move out at sunset. Have we received word from the Shiryuu army?"

"Yes. The shadow assassins have convened with Commander Sheng's troop."

"That is all, you may leave."

Everything was going according to plan. They were going to annihilate the Crimson King's main force and relief army. No one would see it coming. From the corner of his tent, his longtime friend and Captain asked, "Are you sure about this? Your daughter is in Shiryuu. She may be killed in the crossfire."

Tsugumo's mouth hardened. "She has made her choice. For the sake of Nanyang, losing a daughter is nothing."


Upon his return, Kyou dispatched a few men to scout the port. After that, he assembled the royal army in the training yard. He was relieved to see Captain Shamon fully recovered as the man saluted him.

"It's good to have you back, Captain," he declared in good will.

"Likewise, Your Majesty."

Kyou gazed out at his legion of soldiers, both young and old. Their faces were devoid of hampering anxieties and qualms of a fledging warrior. That was because they were all personally handpicked by him to serve and protect the Kingdom. He only chose the strongest and intimidating warriors who would not hesitate to kill or be killed. Weaklings were forbidden within the palace walls and that gave him the confidence he needed to defend his nation.

"Today, I stand before you to ask that you lend me your strength and power to defend Beihai from the evil that threatens our peace and wishes to throw this Kingdom into chaos. Nanyang has declared war upon us, and it is our duty to preserve that peace. Many of you were chosen by me to serve this nation and when tomorrow comes, your competence, your mentality and your fortitude will be pushed beyond your limits. Whether you return to me alive, will depend on your will to survive and your loyalty to Xi. Donggu and Shiryuu will stand with us to ensure our victory. As tradition dictates, I am here to ask —," he thrusted his sword into the air, "— where does your loyalty lie?"

"To the Kingdom of Xi!" the Royal army hollered.

"To whom do you obey with your lives?"

"The Emperor of Xi!"

Kyou was impassioned to see his men fired up as they roared, "Hail Xi! Hail the Emperor!" Hot blood ran in their veins. Nothing incited the army more than a reminder of their purpose in life — to become the Emperor's ultimate weapon and their nation's pride.

"I ask that every man in this yard stand beside me not as my lesser but as my comrades! In battle we unite as one!" He looked them all in the eyes, voice strong. "Don't you ever forget that."

Another resounding roar shook the yard.

Jin scurried to Kyou with a look of fright and alarm. "An army just passed through our borders. I believe it is led by General Tsugumo."

Kyou motioned for Captain Shamon. "Captain, take an infantry down to the borders at once. No delays. We mustn't let the enemy breach the town."

"Understood, Your Majesty."

To his General and Commander, he ordered. "General Nakoda will lead the artillery unit to Donggu's border. Commander Rei, you will join me at port." Glancing at his Jin, he said. "Send word to our allies. The war has begun."