Chp.11: She was pregnant.

It was a bright morning and the birds were chirping as if they were waiting for the world to listen to their beautiful melody. The people in the Gilbert mansion were working as it was just another normal day for them. But the real pressure could be felt coming from the dining room. The room where Duke Gilbert, duchess Gilbert, and the rumored girlfriend of duke gilbert sat for their breakfast.

"I heard that the duke stood you up last night, is it true duchess?" Wendy's words came out just like how poison comes out of the snake's teeth.

"I wonder how many ears and eyes do the countess really have in our mansion to get to know such things?" said Janice calmly with a smirk.

"So, duke I would love to take this opportunity and replace all the servants in this mansion." Announced Janice in a bold way.

This came off as a huge shock to Wendy. "Did she get to know anything about the poisoning, I must nip this thought in the bud." Wendy thought to herself.

"Sure. Do that." Said the duke nonchalantly as he was focused on his breakfast.

"Why had the duke's attitude changed so much towards me these days. It's not that we were that close in the first place but still, these days he acts like he doesn't care." Wendy had a rush of thoughts as she sat there staring blankly.

"I will slowly avenge Janice Tyler and win the duke's heart too. I just have two years Wendy and I can't afford to waste time. I am sorry, but I'll have to make him love me, for I need to think about myself first, Wendy." Thought Janice with a slight hint of pity in her heart.

The breakfast went oddly calm after Janice announced that she'll change all the servants in the Gilbert mansion.

"I'll take my leave, I have to attend the morning assembly in the royal court." Said Noah as he got up and a servant helped him with his coat and sword. He avoided any eye contact with Janice.

"Is he avoiding me? That's cute. Shouldn't I be the one who is angry since he didn't come to have dinner with me last night even though I invited him?" Janice thought to herself and laughed a little.

"What is this expression on Janice's face, it's the first time I am seeing this. Are they re-kindling their relationship? I can't let that happen. I must tell him." Wendy thought to herself anxiously.

Later everyone scattered and started doing their work, the servants were strangely under pressure because of Janice's decision, and also by the afternoon, a maid came to inform Janice that the Countess left silently without causing any ruckus.

"Ah, today is going very well and so far I have thought about the many possibilities to win the duke's heart." She thought as she bounced on her bed.

"I can't do both things together. Either I should find my accomplice first or win over duke first. Only one can be done at a time. So I made a rational choice of winning over duke. Since he is atleast in front of me. And I also have the face of his wife, so I guess it will be easier." She was silently making rational calculations.

But suddenly took a moment's break.

"Easier my ass, everything is just a complicated mess. I don't know anyone and the only one of Janice's relatives I actively know is her mother. No one seems to like Janice in the first place, what am I supposed to do?" she said as she got irritated by her current reality.

She started striding back and forth in her room thinking about what is the right way to do stuff and where can she find all the answers to the missing clue.

The day was still pleasant with golden sun shining high up in the sky. It was mid-afternoon. The kingdom of Aartals always had beautiful afternoons. The duke was out as usual and Janice had no work as usual.

And then suddenly a maid came to Janice's room.

"Baroness Bella is here your highness, shall I invite her in?" she asked while trembling in front of Janice.

"Hmm? Anyways make her wait in the parlor on the second floor I will come soon. Make sure to serve her tea and refreshments." Said Janice with a warm smile.

The maid went along.

"Finally something to do. Let's see who this Baroness Bella is and find about Janice's past." Janice was oddly excited about this.

After a few moments, she went to the parlor where Baroness Bella was waiting.

And as soon as she opened the door, "Hey Jan how are you doing?" she jumped at Janice and hugged her.

"This is too much of a sudden development to take in." Janice thought to herself. "Let's hug her back for now." Janice hugged her but suddenly Baroness Bella moved away from her and gave her a hostile look.

Janice quickly felt the shivers and asked her lady-in-waiting, Cindy, to leave.

"You aren't Janice are you?" she asked with hostility.

"How did she know?" Janice got confused herself.

"Yes, I am a witch." She answered with a warm yet dangerous smile.

"Oh?" Janice was caught dumbfounded.

"Just give me a minute, so are you very close to Janice Tyler?" she asked with a more dangerous and evil smile, "Because if you aren't I have ways to kill you, Baroness."

"Oh, you are definitely not Janice, and yes let's chill for now. I am here my best friend since childhood. My name is Elena. Baroness Elena Bella from the Gyros Village." She said with a hand extended towards Janice.

"Pleasure to make acquaintance I am Janice Green, precisely and currently Duchess Janice Gilbert." She said and they both made a firm handshake.

Elena had a sudden realization but she thought it would be better to know Janice's story first. And so she asked as they both settled down.

"Well Baroness Elena I am pretty confused myself but I will surely tell you everything. But before that would you tell me the reason for your visit?" Janice asked as she sipped her tea from the cup.

"I came here to see Janice's situation since she was pregnant the last time we met, but just now I had a realization. But to confirm that I need to understand your story." Explained Elena.

"I came here from the future." Janice started narrating her story with a little sadness in her eyes.