Chp.17: It's what I'll do.

Present Day

"Wake up duchess." someone knocked on her door.

"Mmm? Who's it?" she asked in a sleepy voice.

"I'm, ahem, the duke." Said Noah as he cleared his throat.

"Why are you here so early in the morning?" she asked as she got up from the bed and walked up to the partially open door.

"It's the evening Janice. I'm here to have dinner with you." Said Noah who was still standing in the door.

Janice stood there in a half-awake position, not understanding what was happening.

"Won't you invite me in?" he asked plainly.

"Why should I?" she asked him directly.

"What?" Noah was shocked at her this reaction.

"Anyways we'll be having the dinner we missed due to the countess last time. Hope you won't have any problem with it?" he made a straight question.

"Okay." She said lazily as she yawned.

Noah turned and left. And Janice went back to her bed.

"What did he just say? Evening? Good." She said as she was lazing in the bed.

She slept there for a few minutes until-

"Wait so how long did I really sleep?" she got up with a puzzled and shocked look.

"Cindy.", she called out loudly but no one responded.

"Where is everyone?" she got up and walked out of the room.

She loitered around the floor to not even find a single servant or maid.

"Wait, I remember something." She thought as she stood on the mansion's stairs. She tried hard to remember. "Oh yes, Elena came to the mansion this afternoon if I am not wrong. And also I fired all of them since they were Wendy's pawns." She gave out a long sigh.

"I need to find new people now, damn." She thought.

"I'm sorry, your highness. I couldn't help but notice your troubled state here." A man said as he approached from the main door of the mansion.

Janice quickly looked up. "Oh! He is good-looking." A quick thought came to Janice's mind.

"Oh! Rupert, it's been long." Words automatically came out of Janice's mouth. "I've been on a vacation, your highness. May I know if the duke is in the office?" he politely asked.

"Yes, he is. And?" she wanted to question him but he seemed to puzzled himself.

There was an awkward silence of a few moments and then Rupert said, " Your highness I'll take my leave since from today night my shift will begin again." He politely bowed and left.

She saw him leave as he climbed the stairs and entered the duke's office on the first floor.

"Well, he looks quite like a gentleman." She said as she just yawned and climbed down a couple of last remaining stairs.

But Janice suddenly felt an itch in her gut. "Why the night shift though? He could've come in the morning, no?" she thought to herself.

"Well since it's the duke's office, I know there can't be anything wrong. According to what I saw in my dreams, he seemed a wise and sharp man." She was just reasoning to herself.

"But I don't know why I am feeling restless. Should I just go to call the duke and ask him to have dinner with me in a nearby restaurant?" she thought deeply.

And in no time she was already on the first floor, outside the duke's door.

"Should I knock now?" she was still a bit confused.

"Well according to Janice's memory, he also seemed to have fallen in love with Janice. And as far I know, he is cursed." She was still finding the courage to go in.

"Since I was watching the whole thing I know pretty sure that the boy who always frequented in my dreams is the young duke. But what should I do with this information." She slightly mumbled to herself.

"Well, whatever I'll just knock." She said as she shrugged her shoulders.

"I'm sorry.." she slightly opened the door and stopped midway.

The room was partially dark and the curtains were drawn. The light was also dimmed as she heard the voices of two people.

"I'll just listen and jump in when they stop." She just reasoned her wrong action of eavesdropping.

There was a person sitting on his chair in the darkroom and then suddenly there came a silhouette of a tall man in front of Janice.

"I told you, didn't I?" asked the silhouette of the man.

"What is Rupert talking and why is he so rude? Wasn't their relationship supposed to be good?" Thought Janice who was still looking inside the room through the slit of the slightly opened door.

"I told you, didn't I? I clarified myself when I said that the person inside the duchess' body is Janice Green. So how is your revenge going or are you being all lovey-dovey here, hmm?" asked Rupert with a sarcastic tone.

"I need to listen to them clearly, I can smell something is definitely fishy." Said Janice as she focused completely on listening and watching as much as she could.

Rupert was still striding in front of the door making it difficult for Janice to see Noah's table. But suddenly Rupert's body fell down, and a man walked out of his body.

Tall, with a muscular build and husky voice, was what Janice noticed. " Who is he? What did I just witness?" Janice swiftly covered her mouth to control herself from screaming. The man walked towards Noah's table and went to stand behind his chair.

Janice could see that the duke's face is not even showing a single expression. " Why isn't he even flinching? Is this normal to him?" Janice was having a flood of questions in her mind at that moment.

And the suddenly-

"I am Noah Robbins, I know what I am supposed to do." The words came out of the duke's mouth like an arrow for Janice.

"Right! And your first job was getting your revenge. Your target is Janice Green, so get your job done quickly Noah Robbins." Said the other man in a calm voice." Otherwise, forget about getting your own life as the CEO of Robbin's corporation back." He threatened Noah.

Janice couldn't bring herself to open the door and talk. She couldn't even stand there listening to them. She ran to her room. She was shocked, she was trembling. She was panting with all her strength. She closed her room door tightly.

"So I am a fool till the end?" she said as she flopped and sat on the floor.

"I can't think anymore. I don't know what is going on. I need someone by my side. I want to cry." She mumbled.

"Janice?" a voice softly whispered in her ear.

Janice swiftly opened her eyes and looked around. Everything was golden and shining like a flowing gold river." Is this heaven? Am I dead?" Janice thought to herself.

"No, you are not." Responded to the voices.

Janice looked to her side and jumped with shock.

"You are Janice Tyler?" she was still shocked.

The lady who sat in front of her was beautiful. Even though she was wearing a normal gown and had no make-up on, she was still pretty. Her pale white skin reflected the golden light slightly and her smile was brighter than the sun on a fresh morning.

"Yes, I am Janice Tyler. I am you." She responded calmly.

"But how come you are here, is your soul still inside this body?" Janice asked out of instinct.

"No, I am your memory, Janice. And there are a lot of things you need to know Janice." She suddenly shifted to a serious tone.

"Huh?" Janice tilted her head.

"I can't tell you everything right here and right now but I'll tell you something that I realized after my death. And that is, my husband, duke Gilbert died even before you came to this world. He died right after me." Explained Janice's memory to her.

Janice just sat there to listen. "The person who is currently in the duke's body is a foreign soul. I don't know who, but he is just like you."

After saying this suddenly Janice came back to reality. " She recorded something like that after her death? She was indeed a powerful witch." Janice thought to herself.

She got up and dusted her gown. She walked to her desk in the corner of the room and took out a diary from the bookshelf.

She made some calculations after what she heard in Noah's room and the memory and looked for misery yet satisfaction on her face. "So, Noah Robbins indeed came with me in this world too. I don't know if I should be happy or sad." She let go a long sigh.

"But seeing that he came here to take the revenge, I don't think I should be anything other than annoyed and angry." She poured herself a glass of wine and sipped on it.

"The game is already set. I don't have a choice, but I'll end this game according to my will." She had a spark of predator in her eyes.