Chp.21: Memories are the key.

The days were passing by just fine. Janice avoiding Noah and Noah avoiding Janice. Even the servants in the mansion became used to the dry marriage that the duke and duchess had. The rumors always went around when it came to the Gilbert's but neither of the two felt a need to clarify the things to the public.

Meanwhile, Janice became a good friend to Eugene. He used to accompany her to her afternoon walks and also work efficiently as she worked in her office to manage the mansion. Janice didn't find any particular memory of Eugene from Janice Tyler's memory but still she pretty much religiously believed in the word 'Accomplice.'

That day also started like any other day. Janice felt awkward as usual while having breakfast with Noah and it was almost as if they don't even want to face each other. So she quickly wrapped up her morning routine and by afternoon hurried to the backyard.

The sun was almost high up in the crystal blue sky. And she huffed as she almost excitedly sprinted to the backyard.

"Slow down your highness." Said a voice that approached her.

"There you are." She said with a warm, beaming smile as she walked to get to the small pavilion.

"Yes, your highness so what are we going to talk about today?" he asked slyly as they walked to get to the tea-table.

"I wish we could discuss the hyacinths in the garden." She replied with a smirk. Eugene gave a sigh and pulled a chair for her to sit down.

"So what are we finally discussing today Eugene?" she asked as she sipped the tea from the cup. "Hmm, how about the upcoming ball at the royal palace?" he said as he handed over an invitation envelope to her.

"Why a sudden ball?" she said.

"Usually, the royal palace holds a ball for the crown prince's birthday. But this year on prince's birthday is the memorial day for the soldiers. It's been two years and war has come to a neutral level. Not many people are at the border for now and the countries are accepting peace. Aartals, is having a small ball for the prince's birthday and then there will be a memorial service day in two weeks." He explained diligently.

Janice admired how he explained everything. "Don't stare at me your highness, I'll get shy." He said with a stern face.

"Pft. How can you be so shameless." She said with a laugh. Eugene stood there as Janice whined about a lot of things while drinking tea.

"In the beginning, I never knew that I would open so much to Eugene. He makes me feel safe and respected." Janice thought to herself as the discussions went on.

They talked a lot about flowers, new strategies for gardening and Janice also seemed genuinely happy to discuss everything that she knows as he continued the discussion with a wide smile too. Anybody who didn't know that they were the duchess and her butler, would easily misinterpret them to be good friends or even lovers.

The passing by maids and servants always doubted the relation between Eugene and Janice. But rumors also take time to build. Honestly, Janice and Eugene were having a great time together. There weren't many male servants for Eugene to work with. And Janice also found a good friend in Eugene.

"Your highness it's time to go to your office now." Said Eugene.

"Oh, I didn't even look at the time. The sun is pretty bright too." She said as she glanced up in the sky. "The pavilion shade does make me feel cool though." She said as she got up from her chair.

"Yes, your highness." Said Eugene whose face suddenly felt sad and lonely. Janice noticed it quickly and patted it on his shoulder. "Hey, what happened." Her tone suddenly changed to a serious one.

"Nothing." He nodded with a lonely and forced smile. Janice gave him a bright smile and started advancing back to the door of the mansion.

"Janice!" a voice came from behind her that made her stop. She turned back swiftly.

He was standing there with his eyes teared up. Janice found herself in a difficult situation as she quickly went back to him. "What happened, why are you crying?" she asked him.

"Why did you marry Noah Gilbert?" he asked rather brazenly. So much that Janice was taken aback by his words.

Given Janice's nature, where she was always closed off to people and her emotions, all the friendships that she built with Eugene in the past few days seem to have shattered to pieces. Her face became blank and then suddenly she fainted.

"Hey, Janice?" Eugene panicked since Janice suddenly fainted and fell into his hands. He picked her up and rushed to her room. All the sweet talks and the discussions a few minutes ago felt like eons ago to him. The servants rushed and called the doctor. Seeing her pale face he blamed himself for suddenly talking on that topic.

The doctor soon arrived and did his diagnosis. He gave a long sigh as he finished his diagnosis. Eugene stood there with a look of the extreme look of nervousness. "What happened?" he asked the doctor.

"The duchess just fainted due to over-exertion. She fainted a couple of weeks ago and she still needs to take care of her health." Explained the doctor. "Schedule her days that she gets maximum rest. Since you are the butler her." The doctor said as he patted Eugene's shoulder. "Also if possible as the duke to take care of her moods. She needs to get the poison that is stuck inside her out. And that can only happen when she gets pregnant." He said as he took his leave.

The doctors' word came to Eugene as a sudden call of warning. "That's right. I'm here as a butler. I have no right to hold onto her. She belongs to the duke and I am the servant." Said Eugene as he regretted his action to the core. The servants did take the message to the duke, but Noah never came to check on Janice.

It was almost as if it didn't matter to him if Janice lived or not. The entire day Eugene took care of Janice and the maids helped too. "You never used to fall sick Janice. What happened when you got married? Why isn't the duke coming to you? Wasn't it a love marriage? " he said as he looked at Janice's face that seemed so calm and elegant.

"Sir Eugene. The crown prince has come to the mansion." Informed a maid.

Eugene quickly grasped the situation and took a long breath, "Ask him to sit in the second-floor parlor. Serve him refreshments, I'll come to inform him of the current situation." He instructed the maid.

The maid went ahead. "Crown Prince? " he thought to himself. "I'll return back soon, Janice." He lightly whispered in her ears. And then he took his leave.

Meanwhile, Janice was in her deep slumber. It was like the last remaining memories of Janice Tyler were coming flooding back.

"Huh? Where am I?" Janice found herself in a dark room. "Hello?" she called out loudly to someone.

"Hey, Green." A man suddenly came from behind and put a knife on her neck.

"Who are you?" Her voice was shaking and suddenly everything around her changed. She found herself in the childhood orphanage where she lived as Janice Green.

"Of course I am your husband sweety. But you dared to think about opening our little secrets. And that too in front of Noah Robbins. How dare you?" the voice grew stronger with malice.

"He deserves to know the truth and I deserve justice too." She smartly countered him as she grabbed his knife and twisted his hand. But suddenly the man disappear.

"Huh? Where did that bastard go?" she talked to herself as she again came to the darkroom. And suddenly someone lightly tapped on her shoulder from behind. She quickly transported to a room where there were many people in ball gowns and fancy dresses.

"How does it feel to snatch someone else's lover?" whispered a voice from behind. She turned behind. She had a wine glass and also worn fancy ball gown. "You are a loser Louisa. Not my fault." The words came out of Janice's mouth.

"Hmm? So now you have the daring to go against me?" said the lady who stood in front of her.

Pretty with a scarlet red gown and white diamond jewelry. She not only felt confident but also had the charisma of someone with noble blood. "Your confidence didn't help you anchor down the Gilbert boy. Did it?" again the words poured down from Janice's mouth.

It was like she was reliving Janice Tyler's life through these memories. They both stood behind the curtain in the ballroom and hence no one noticed them. But suddenly Louisa snatched Janice's wine glass and splashed it over her dazzling gown. She gave an evil smirk and then screamed.

"Why? Why Janice Tyler? We were good friends, but you snatched my lover and now you are even bullying me. Where did I go wrong in our friendship?" she created a scene. People gathered there and it soon became the scene of the attraction.

Janice was also surprised by Louisa's acting but then smirked and said," You pitiful face is the most disgusting, friend. But the world will soon know the reality behind your mask."

"See even now you are just asking me to quiet down. Why are you doing this Janice?" she asked as the tears rolled down her eyes and stood there like a weak lady.

"What do you mean, my wife did wrong?" a firm hand came and stood beside her.

It was Duke Noah Gilbert.