Chp.23: Back to life.

The room grew just lonely at a point with no one saying anything at all.

And then suddenly Janice said, "But still Crown prince, don't you want to prepare for your ball. This seems like a wastage of your time, doesn't it?" she spoke harshly.

"I see the duchess is not very pleased with my presence." Said Crown Prince Kyte with a wide and yet sarcastic smile.

"Pardon my rudeness then your highness." She replied with equal sarcasm.

Noah didn't interrupt any words that Kyte and Janice were throwing at each other.

"You seem a lot different Duke Gilbert. You felt the same at the ball of Wendy's family. May I ask the reason?" inquired Kyte expecting some gossip. "I am intrigued by your interest in me, your highness." He said bluntly.

Kyte felt a moment of embarrassment but still instantly came back with a couple of words but Noah interrupted him and said,

"I am married your highness so I don't want Countess Wendy doing In and out of my mansion frequently." He asserted.

Kyte and Janice were both taken aback by his words.

"Oh?" Kyte lifted his eyebrow and said," I didn't see this coming duke. Well since it was you who approached Wendy first, wasn't it?" Claimed Kyte.

"I beg your pardon but I don't remember doing so. I rather stay away from all the women." Said Noah as he glanced at Janice.

Janice caught his words perfectly and fell into deep thought. "What is up with this guy. The more I want to understand him the more he is going far away. Right now he is not just repelling me but anyone and everyone. What might be the reason?" Janice pondered for long as she barely chewed her food.

Eugene immediately noticed Janice's expression and came forward to pour her some wine in her empty glass.

"You don't seem well. If any problem inform me?" he whispered kindly as he poured for her.

Janice just bluntly nodded. But Kyte was quick to notice this. And he commented instantly,

"I can see duke, even your butler is friendly with Janice." With a smirk as he sipped his own wine. Noah didn't even budge a little and ignored his words.

And he suddenly realized as Eugene looked up and spoke, "Hey you are Eugene right? Janice's childhood friend right?" And suddenly Noah looked up at his butler's face and then squinted at Janice.

Kyte continued blabbering, "You were the one who was there with her when she canceled engagement with me right?" he started spouting nonsense although it was true and Janice got angry.

"Your highness it has been quite some time since we went through that whirlwind of events. I am married and I suppose you will look for a new bride soon. It's better to leave past in the past isn't it?" she said as she finished everything on her plate.

"Duchess, you have a sword for a tongue." He commented.

"And you have a Snake for a personality." She commented.

"I hope you enjoyed your dinner, your highness. May you have a safe journey back home." Noah interrupted.

"I can take these behaviors as insults you know?" he said and took a pause. "And that's not my home it's just a castle. My home is Gyros village." Suddenly his rather sharp and flirty eyes felt lonely.

"I will escort my guard with you to your carriage." Noah sighed and said.

"No, let Rupert rest. I can walk back on my own. Have a good evening. Can't say I really enjoyed it though." He smirked and got up from the table.

"Yes, your highness I am Eugene," Euegene replied as Kyte was leaving the room.

He turned back and smiled, "Good to meet you after so long mate." Saying that he left.

It was just Noah and Janice in the room. Noah bowed and was about to leave when Janice said,

"I deserve a chance to explain. Don't I?" Noah stopped.

"I can explain your mother's death, Mr. Noah Robbins." She said boldly.

Noah was surprised and turned back swiftly.

"Hello, Noah. I am Janice Green." She said with a calm face and tone. But Noah was shocked. He was shocked to the point where he felt freedom in his bones.

"Now I can kill you directly since you know it's me. I won't be needing that bitche's schemes to end you." He dashed towards her and held her neck. She kept her composure calm even if his grip was extremely tight that held her neck.

"But are you qualified?" She asked in a weak voice as it was trembling due to fear.

And that's when Janice was shocked to see Noah turn to Louisa.

"So you are smarter than I thought?" said Louisa as the body changed and her whole face took place of Noah's face.

Janice was not just shocked but could feel the horror and a shiver running down her spine.

"You look very famished, duchess. I wonder why?" Louisa taunted.

But Janice held her hand to free her neck from the grip and suddenly Louisa pulled her hand back swiftly.

Janice was a little surprised at Louisa's reaction but said,"So where is Noah?" she asked calmly.

Her eyebrows furrowed and she was biting her lips as she questioned Louisa.

"So you love him in this life too?" she smirked smartly.

Janice felt fear when she heard those words and felt her heart growing weak.

"Don't worry. This time Noah is mine. I will have him Janice Tyler for you are always destined to get killed from Noah's hands." Said Louisa as she licked her lips.

Janice was shocked with the amount of insanity Louisa's words had.

"I don't love him. You can have him." She said.

And Louisa's face calmed down as all the devilish mask on her face seemed to have disappeared.

"What? But you are supposed to love him. That's why you followed each other back to this world." Louisa was clearly confused by Janice's response.

"I told you I am Janice Green and not Janice Tyler. I don't love Noah." She confirmed.

"Then that gives me no reason to fight with you. Seemed like the centuries of war is over just because of your foolish confessions." Louisa started showing the expression of ecstasy.

"If you don't love him, leave him. I want Noah. Divorce him and leave." Said Louisa with a happy smile.

"Where is Noah?' asked Janice interrupting Louisa.

"He is with me. Somewhere where he belongs." Louisa stroked her necklace.

"So he has some connection with her necklace." Janice thought to herself.

"I can do all the things you asked me to do. But just once I want to explain him my side of what happened to his mother." Louisa seemed reluctant.

"I won't harm him. I just want one month." Assured Janice.

"Ok." She handed over her necklace to Janice and warned her,

"Noah is in there and he will come out once you use your magic. One week later he will start forgetting about you and that's when he should return by my side. I won't stay with him so be quick and return him." She said as she seemed to be in a hurry to go somewhere.

She just disappeared after saying what she wanted.

"What are you a fool, Louisa? How can you just hand over your necklace and go? Guess you don't love Noah that much. You expect too much." Mumbled Janice to herself.

"Obviously I am Janice Tyler you peasant fool." Her eyes sparkled as she stroked the necklace and wore it on her neck.

But there was someone other than her who didn't leave the dining room and was just hidden in the back.

"Was Janice always like this?" he thought to himself as he was too scared to even come out after what he saw in front of him.

"I never would have imagined Janice and Louisa would-be witches. And who is Janice Green?" he thought.

Janice left the room, and Eugene came out of the attic at the dining room's far end.

"I need to tell the village head." He thought.

Janice on the other hand walked back to her room and closed the door.

She walked to the front of the mirror and saw her reflection.

"You did well Janice Green. Now we are one." She spoke to herself and broke out in a wild laugh.

But what exactly happened that made Janice Green know that she herself was Janice Tyler.

It was Noah's touch that made her remember everything from her memories.

"I am Janice Tyler myself. And this life is just becoming adorable and beautiful chaos. But this time I will live." She seemed confident with herself.

She felt alive and she felt different. She stroked everything from the books on her shelf to her study table and took out a diary.

"I know many things that now. I am a confident Janice now. And I will never give up on Noah you stupid Louisa." She had an evil laugh.

After all, she was the number one witch who just came back to life.