Chp.27: Decisions were made.

"I am feeling deserted inside me.

Why is it so?

I knew a part of Harrison's past but still, I didn't turn him down. I knew that being in love with a witch will cause only harm to everyone, but why couldn't stop him from proposing to me? Why didn't I reject him? Was it my love or just pure selfishness? I don't know anymore.

The only thing I'm aware of is, this will come back to me one day, I'm sure. But I have to avoid that prophecy from coming true at all costs. And I will do it.

I am one of the strongest witches to ever have existed in Aartals."

Wrote Hera in her diary the night before Gwen's wedding. She knew that there was something waiting ahead on the road, but she also knew she could stop it.

Or at least she could stop it with all her force.

It was soon morning, everyone from the neighbourhood gathered and it was the day of Gwen's wedding.

Hera was a little busy, preparing cake and meat for the guests at the wedding. She was upset that the night just before her sister's wedding he had to go to the capital city for an important business affair.

"How will I handle a man like him all my life?" thought Hera as she whipped some cream for the decoration of the cake. She, within that moment just remembered all the past days that she was having breakfast with Harrison and his butler and giggled.

"He is a bit cranky and has weird stuff to talk about, but he is sweet. I love him." She was completely lost in her thoughts when Gwen called her from behind, "Dear Sis, what are you thinking and smiling about so early in the morning?" she teased Hera a little.

Hera got flushed with even the thought of bringing Harrison's name on her lips. Gwen was quick to notice it. She walked towards Hera and said, "I know he is a good man. I can sense it. Don't let him go Hera. You can't afford to " as Gwen was seriously giving a piece of advice to Hera, she got interrupted but Hera's outburst.

Gwen was dumbfounded. "Why are you laughing?" she asked with her head tilted.

"He proposed to me." She said as she put the last cherry in the centre of the Citron Vanilla cake.

Gwen again stopped as she couldn't catch up with what Hera was saying, "What?" she said with an exciting scream after a few moments.

"But don't get too excited we haven't decided much about marriage yet. And also today's day belongs to you." Hera said with a warm gaze. Gwen felt the warmth in her eyes and sighed.

"What should I do with a sister like you? Finally, you thought about moving on from loving your fictional characters, huh?" Gwen teased her again.

"Hey stop it. I just don't find anyone better than my fictional characters that's it." She said as she blushed.

"Hmm? Then what about Harrison. He might get heartbroken if he hears this." Said Gwen with a teasing evil smile.

"Hey stop it, Gwen." Yelled Hera.

The atmosphere in their little cottage was peaceful. It was rather warmer than usual. Everything was changing and the change was almost unbelievable.

Things were transitioning as smoothly as when scenes change when we flip to the next page of a good novel.

It was maybe just too good to be true. But they were happy.

Robert and Harrison were both different and were strangers in their lives, but they had no option other than to choose. It was now or never and so they made choices.

Good or bad? Guess only fate knows.

Gwen's wedding got over without a hitch. People did question who Robert was but they knew that whatever happens, it's none of their business. And the witches among the crowd knew Gwen's intentions just right. It was calm.

With the scents of fresh lavender and oranges and pines, the day passed with a blink of an eye. And soon it was time to leave with Robert in his carriage. It wasn't a high-end, fancy one, but he managed a sophisticated carriage to take his bride away. They were going to settle away from Gyros.

"Marry him as soon as possible. Next week will be good." Gwen whispered as she hugged Hera for one last time.

Hera chose to stay quiet with a smile on her face.

"I know it's sudden but with my power, I can only predict things that will happen within next week." She said this in her ears and gave her a big wide smile. "We won't be able to meet frequently. But keep sending me the letters." Winked Gwen.

Hera suddenly felt a feeling that she was trying to hold inside her for a long time. "This is where we part shortly sister." Said Gwen and boarded the carriage,

"Take care sister-in-law." Said Robert with a polite bow and got in too.

"Live a happy life, you guys." Said Hera and took off.

Soon everything that was so crowded and felt like a wholesome reality became an empty void once again.

The cottage was empty once again. Gwen left the village and Harrison was going to come later someday in the weekend.

"It is night again." She sighed as she cleaned up a few things here and there. She walked outside of the door and sat down on the stairs.

She gazed up in the sky for a few moments.

"It is starry night today as well." She mumbled.

She intended to sit there and gaze at the stars calmly a little longer but she saw a carriage coming towards in the direction of her house.

"Who is it coming at this late hour?" she mumbled as she squinted her eyes to look clearly.

The carriage stopped and a man got down from it. He was tall, sturdy and also had nobility reflecting even in his walking.

"He resembles someone." Thought Hera to herself as she got up and dusted her seat.

The man's bodyguard came along with him and asked," Are you the owner of this cottage lodge?"

"Yes, I am?" Hera was rather confused.

"I am Baron Tyler. I would love to have a chat with you young lady." Said the nobleman with a rude and commanding tone.

"Why must I though?" asked Hera as she quickly raised her guard.

"If you are not customers I request you to please leave sir." She said it clearly.

"And I command you to get away from my son. You are a witch and you don't deserve to live in this kingdom and this world." He said yet again in a rude manner.

"What bullshit are you spouting old geezer?" she chose to talk in a rude way too.

The baron and his bodyguard both were taken aback by Hera's this behaviour.

"So you are a mannerless bitch too along with being poor?" said the Baron in an insulting tone.

"So what?" asked Hera as she gathered her powers to attack the baron. She glared at his eyes and hypnotised him.

"Forget me." She whispered lightly.

Both of them turned back and started to walk towards their carriage. They took off.

"What just happened? It was like a dream sequence." Said Hera as gave out a long sigh. "I should just go back inside. But still what made them think they can go against a powerful witch like me." Hera felt a sense of pride in using her powers to do something so thrilling for the first time in her life.

"I will definitely marry Harrison now." She said with determination.

The next morning, she got up as to an empty house after a long time. She cleaned and did laundry and also went to check for any mails in the mailbox.

"This is me, Harrison.

I am sorry I cannot come back to Gyros, but I have found an amazing wedding destination in the capital city. I wish we would settle down in the capital city. Can you come here?

How much ever I wish I couldn't come to pick you up. So I'm sending a carriage for you. It won't take much time from the village to the city.

I'll be waiting, love." Was a letter from Harrison.

"I should be feeling happy right? But I can't. Because I know that this isn't written by Harrison." She had a strong feeling. "But who so ever it, she is dangerous. So I must go." Mumbled Hera to herself.

She had the address and also the carriage, all she needed to do now is find Harrison.

But could she find him that easily?