Chp.31: Things of past are future- I

"I am really looking forward to working as the CEO here." She said with a firm business smile.

"I am sure you will." He said with his dirty and lusty smile. "What are you thinking about going for dinner tonight." He said as he touched her hand.

She took a long and deep breath and snatching back her hand she said," I guess chairman I am going to be busy with meetings tonight. I am sorry." She said politely declining his advances. And she turned to leave the room after her polite bow.

"You should just sign those marriage contract papers Janice. That will save you a lot of effort. After all your relationship with him can never go back to how it was." He said with a chuckle. "Just do the signatures, sweety, you are the CEO now anyway." He said casually.

She turned around and with a calm expression replied, "Already people think that I am married to you. You are definitely using that to your advantage and on top of that I don't think I deserve this kind of marriage." She smiled politely and took the leave.

The door closed behind her. She quickly went to the restroom.

A tear fell down on her cheeks, as she furiously started scrubbing her hand that he touched. Trying to desperately clean herself. Every inch of her skin that made her feel dirty and disgusting, she wanted to clean it all. The tears weren't for she was scared but she was angry. Angry to the point that none of the reality that she was living in, the one she always dreamt of as a kid would make her smile.

"I want to run into your arms. Please I want to run away from here." She said as she looked up in the mirror and pitied her pathetic face and eyes with tears. "Mirrors don't lie huh?" she said with a disappointing smirk.

Janice Green, the adopted daughter of the chairman of the W&K corporations. But very few insiders knew this. Rest knew her just as a slut who was always close to the Green family to get something out of them.

She was glorified as the calculative person or sometimes a vixen. She put all this behind her from time to time because as any person in this world, she was dirty as well. She did sins and killed people. 'Villainess' could be the word to aptly describe her.

Purity was like a luxury she could never afford. But she had known someone for a long time. He was charming with a pure smile, that could light up her entire sky.

He was also a person she fell in love with first. Or maybe he was the only person whom she always loved.

Noah Robbins was the second son of the CEO of the Robbins Corporation. He was as sly as a fox but still had this allure that could melt Janice. They both knew each other since they were kids. She was an orphan and his family home was in that block too.

Since the orphanage was funded by the Robbins, the couple always bought their boys for publicity purposes in the orphanage. They first met when they were eight years old.

He was a naughty and athletic boy and she was an adventurous and smart little girl. They used to play all day in summers, go stargazing in the orphanage's top room, and got into several troubles. Janice became close with Noah's brother and his mother as well. She started searching for her mother's affection in Noah's mother.

Until one day, Noah had to move to a different apartment in the city, and Janice was adopted. They were fifteen years old when they started walking a different path in life. But not a single day passed when she didn't think of his heart-warming smile and shining eyes. She was having a good time as the adopted daughter and also did her studies well.

Days passed smoothly, and like any other youth, she dreamt of a life as a successful and established woman.

But one day when she was twenty-three years old, a parcel arrived at her doorstep.

A big mansion that stood among the wealthiest vicinities in the city, was where she was living as Janice Green.

The day was just a bit gloomy as the grey clouds were painted across the sky.

"Hmm, guess it will be raining soon." Said Janice as she casually looked out the window from her study room. And the doorbell rang. "Guess my food is here." She said as she almost hopped happily to open the door.

She opened the door and saw a box on the porch.

"Huh? What is this?" she said with a disappointed look as she picked up the box and took it inside.

She got the cutter knife and opened the seal. And she was shocked by what she saw inside.

"What the hell is this?" she thought as she was trembling in fear.

"Why is there a gun and a bloody knife inside?" all kinds of questions started to rush inside her mind. Who was the sender? Why send it to the house where anyone barely lives? And why is it intended for her?

Her legs felt numb and a chill ran down her spine. She took out a chit of paper that was purposely stuck to the inside of the box. She unfolded it with her trembling hands and fell down on her knees when she read.

Tears weren't coming out of her eyes but she wanted to cry.

"What is this? What should I be doing? Should I tell Mr. Green?" she mumbled to herself as she sat there on the ground helplessly.

And suddenly some faint words came to her mind.

"Always remember Janice, however far we go from each other, I'll come to find you. You are my home." It was Noah who said this to her. A piece of memory that came to her at the worst possible time.

But she smiled and let out a heaved sigh. "Firstly I have to reach this address as soon as possible." She got up. Grabbed her jacket and car keys and left the house.

"Shit it had to start raining now?" she was unnecessarily annoyed. Right then her cell phone rang.

"Hello?" she said after attending.

"I hope you come here as soon as possible Janice." The voice said in a notorious and evil voice. That voice pierced through her heart and was enough to leave her in terror.

"Aunty?" she was shocked and confused.

"I'm waiting Janice. Noah is waiting." Said the woman with an annoying and irritating giggle before abruptly ending the call.

Janice speeded the car and also crossed the streets even on the signals. She raced to the address that she saw on that bit of paper. Didn't know what exactly was happening but had an unknown sense of uneasiness she felt inside her heart.

"Why did it sound like she was going to harm someone. Why would she harm Noah?" this question got stuck in her mind and suddenly a news article flashed in front of her eyes.

"Linda Robbins: The goddess of the business world, diagnose with serious PTSD. Mr. Robbins, the CEO of Robbin's corporation, claims it as a false claim and her scheme to avoid their divorce. Is this a villainous scheme to rob a husband? Or just a shameless way to get away from a suffering wife?"

"As crappy was the way the news was covered by media, I'm sure no one took it seriously at that time. Even I turned a blind eye to it, but who knew that could have been serious. She seems like a desperate murder just itching to kill. But what happened to a sweet and nice lady like her?" Janice thought of this from a casual third-person perspective.

She knew the situation was a lot more serious but thought that she could talk it out. Maybe that is where everything went wrong. And she became the prime person who got caught in the dirty mess of the business world.

What happened that evening changed Janice's life and bond with the one she loved for ages. Or maybe just made her realize the curse she was living through.