Chp.44: And the next day.

They got wasted but couldn't deny they enjoyed every bit of it. It was as if there was a friction between the souls that made them come this far. The force that made them stay together and a body that became one through all the magic that was flowing and filling up the atmosphere in the room.

The white beams of moon reflected on the dark floor of Deborah's room and the curtains were draped so perfectly that the balcony felt like a portal to heaven.

"I wish you could have always been mine." He whispered in her ears as he held her in his arms. Her body was trembling, making it hard for her to think anything. 

She didn't say anything. She couldn't say anything. Her mind was messed and her vision was blurred. "Am I doing the right thing?" A sudden question popped up in her mind. "Who am I kidding, of course I am not doing the right thing. Just a few hours ago I was crazily searching for some other man and now here I am. With a man I never thought I could have."