Chp.48: And that is the story...

Gwen was bothered by Robert's every move. She wanted to find answers but was scared that if her husband gets to know about this it would turn to be a poison for their relationship. 

And thus while she was fidgeting and living her life doubting Bob's intentions to stay with the military camps of Jidir, she started using her powers and black magic little by little everyday to build a trap for Bob. After Hera's letter , her urge to find answers to Robert's behavior just became her mission.

"This is not going to be a reason where he thinks I don't trust him right?" She was doubting herself as she build the spell to make him tell everything to her.

She decided to make him drink this Wine Of Truth which will help the magician who put the spell on the person ask him any question and the person who drank the wine will have no option other than telling the truth.