Chp.59: The Ball - 3

Henry was especially excited for the ball. Afterall he prepared it for a special reason, but the moment he met his father and had a little talk with him, his entire mood changed.

He wasn't as happy as he was supposed after the warning that his father gave him. And on the contrary to everything, he didn't wanted Zelda to be an option for his the position of his wife and queen of Aartals.

He was almost frustrated to the point where he wanted to just run away from his palace and find himself a place to live where Gwen was.

But no, he couldn't do that as well. And the one last option that was left with him was to take Zelda with him. That much was tolerable, he thought and thus he decided to take Zelda with him. 

And now he was there in the ball. Standing in front of a huge crowd.

Standing in front of his dream woman, all ready to announce his love for her in front all the crowd and Liam suddenly stoped him.