Chp.68: And that is where the circle began. (Season 3)

The saddest part of the story is always where the story gets broken and never ever gets a chance to connect again. And what kind of cruel must that kind of fate be to make the lives of those involved, suffer. There are far too many lives that were involved and hence justice was needed.

The start of the story is chaotic and the end might as well be, but as time continued to fly there was a magic that would cure everything and for everyone.

Robert saw a girl that night in that creepy old building where he went inside with his invisible disguise and it turned out to be an orphanage. A very old one at that. 

He was indeed surprised to find an orphanage like that in the market that was a so much of a hot spot for illegal trading. But as soon as he went near that girl, he suddenly found himself back in the realm of reapers.