Chp.77: The days behind.

Zelda was indeed trying to stay as strong as she could. But we can't exactly blame her luck since Karma is really known to come back in worst times possible. 

She knew inside her heart that she had done too much wrong and to so many people that it was not possible even for a single time to pass by just saying it was a mistake.

Everytime and everyone that she thought of sacrificing and using as a pawn for her own game were set to come back to her. Come back in echoes, as they, their faces and their intentions were getting amplified a hundred times.

Her little family and her dream to hold her husband and son together was obviously not going to stay unaffected when she single handedly ruined so many people's lives.

There were many victims who fell prey to her in her conquest of having a luxurious life away from the poverty she came. And two people who were prominent in this were Duchess Roseanne Gilbert and the head of witches, Deborah.