Chp.99: Unknown words. ( Season 4 )

The task that was assigned grim reaper Bob about ten years ago was indeed a crucial task. At that time he was unawre of the consequences that could occur if there was some messed up issue. And thus he was also unaware about the consequence of the ring that ended up with Louisa all those years ago.

Louisa Dina, was the person that Grim reaper Bob wanted to stay more aware of. He was a person who wouldn't just poke his nose into others business, but over the time as he got to know about the powers that Louisa has , he thought it was better to stay off radar. Much later when he actually realised that the little girl who ran away taking the ring and the notorius magician has now become a full fledged witch.

A cruel and most of all an emotion less, greedy shell who would do anything just so she could acheive anything that she wants.