Chp.129: Everyone in a trap.

After saying this suddenly Janice came back to reality. " She recorded something like that after her death? She was indeed a powerful witch." Janice thought to herself.

She got up and dusted her gown. She walked to her desk in the corner of the room and took out a diary from the bookshelf.

She made some calculations after what she heard in Noah's room and the memory and looked for misery yet satisfaction on her face. "So, Noah Robbins indeed came with me in this world too. I don't know if I should be happy or sad." She let go a long sigh.

"But seeing that he came here to take the revenge, I don't think I should be anything other than annoyed and angry." She poured herself a glass of wine and sipped on it.

"The game is already set. I don't have a choice, but I'll end this game according to my will." She had a spark of predator in her eyes