Chp.132: Fragments to weave

The days were passing by just fine. Janice avoiding Noah and Noah avoiding Janice. Even the servants in the mansion became used to the dry marriage that the duke and duchess had. The rumors always went around when it came to the Gilbert's but neither of the two felt a need to clarify the things to the public.

Meanwhile, Janice became a good friend to Eugene. He used to accompany her to her afternoon walks and also work efficiently as she worked in her office to manage the mansion. Janice didn't find any particular memory of Eugene from Janice Tyler's memory but still she pretty much religiously believed in the word 'Accomplice.'

That day also started like any other day. Janice felt awkward as usual while having breakfast with Noah and it was almost as if they don't even want to face each other. So she quickly wrapped up her morning routine and by afternoon hurried to the backyard.