Chp.149: And the reason he felt.

"What kind of nightmare was that?" Noah suddenly jerked up.

He was sleeping on his study table in his office. Today was kind of unusual day since he was staying home.

"What is Janice Green doing?" He thought. His mind was already a complete mess. And the only person that came to his mind the first thing was, Janice Green.

After traveling in this time line he was feeling like he was slowly losing his own old self. "What is up with me? Why can't I just really go back to being my old self?" Not many things could've come to his mind right in that moment, but one thing did. It was the reason he truly travelled back in time.

It was to take revenge on Janicr Green for killing his mother. He remembered. He didn't forget. Although he was desperate to think otherwise at every moment or time, he really didn't wanted to forget what happened, letting go of the past was the last thing he could do.