Chp.152: Hera knew it all.

That night she realised that everything that had been going on in their lives was just a mere continuation of the life they left behind. 

Nothing could've been done, but the mere possibility that they could begin again from the point where they left, gave them a chance to look at life differently. 

She was now here, in Noah's office room. It reeked of alcohol and days of uncleanness. That meant that he had been just sitting there inside that room for days now. 

Janice thought that she would be surprised but she wasn't. There wasn't any feeling inside her right now that she had seen the most vulnerable side of Noah that she could have ever seen.

No fear, no nothing. It was just as if they were finally on one plane or like atleast on the same page after ages of hitting wrong notes. She felt a certain calmness that took over her heart.

She calmly sat there down to see what as been going on for a while.