Chp.159: The death is near

Everything flashed in front of Kyte's eyes as he looked at the two people he never once thought would get together. 

Nyra and Kyte had come to give news of their marriage to the duke and the duchess. Although it was really something that they should not be doing so late in the evening. 

The atmosphere in that one guest parlour looked really weird. Although it was a second chance at life for Noah and Janice for Kyte and Nyra it looked like it was just a month ago that the ducal couple had their wedding.

"I heard that you came back in weak health duchess." Nyra suddenly said as she was about tell about her wedding invitation. 

"Wendy? I guess if she was your source then..." Janice said in the exact words what she wanted to say. It wasn't surprising that there was an unnecessary clash between Nyra and Janice. 

Kyte and Noah, had a reason too many for that matter that they could've stopped the clash between Janice and Nyra, but why would they?