Chp.172: The way of continuity.

Apart from just being the closest helping hands to the king, there wasn't much that Deborah and Liam had to do with each other.

They were always just colleagues to each other and nothing more. The king, who loved to play pranks on people at times for fun, many times tried to push Liam and Deborah together but they didn't budge at all. It wad as if both had walls around themselves and there was no way to go through eithers walls. And they didn't even have a reason to.

But one day, Liam had a crisis. Being the head of the 'Magic Tower of Aartals' he never even considered the possibility of falling short on magic and it's power. He was thinking things through. 

But one day when it was a bright moon day, which usually opposed people with magic or either filled them up, he ran out of all the magic in his body.