Bones cracked under their feet, Zixin picked up a bone and examined it, he frowned.

"There are scrapes on this bone, very clean ones in fact and parallel"

Jian Ji snatched the bone from him to take a look, he was right. What could have made these marks though?

"Let's keep looking, maybe we can see more"


A whisper made them stop, The two cultivators drew their swords and formed a formation, their backs pressed against each other.

"What do you think made that noise?" Zixin whispered.

"It came from the north, that's all i know"

They walked slowy to the centre of the city, the whispers getting more and more loud.

"Stop" Jian Ji commanded.

Silence reigned between the two males as they waited for another whisper to be audible. Zixin pulled out a seeking talisman and threw it in the air.

"All we have to do now is wait"

The paper disappeared into a building as it went to find any evil spirit or ghosts lurking, it's swift movement only heard by it's owner.

Jian Ji could only watch him focus on the talisman to do its job.

"Over there" Zixin says pointing at a direction.

Jian Ji's sword glared at the small building before he took off charging at the door.

Zixin watched in amazement as the doors flew inwards, they went inside and found the talisman stuck to a man's forehead, his eyes were glowing green and his teeth yellow as corn.

"What is that thing?" Zixin asked in disgust.

Jian Ji pointed his sword at the man, the tip of his sword at his neck.

"Who are you?"

The man could only rasp out an audible sound making the two men frown. They exchanged a look of confusion before Zixin had an idea.

"Play inquiry"

"Good idea"


The sound of the Zheng echoed through Yingxiong city, Jian Ji was sitting in the lotus position while Zixin placed seven talisman paper on the man's back.

Jian Ji's eyebrows furrowed as he asked the man who he was, he was replied with 'can't remember'

"Are you sure? Well....ask when he died"

Zixin watched as Jian Ji concentrated, he admits seeing him like this was turning him on, if only....he sighed.

"Ten years ago"

"What? How is that possible"

"I don't know"

"Ask how he died then"

It took fifteen minutes for Jian Ji to finally get the man to tell the truth of how he died and the answer was not something he was expecting to hear.

"They ate him"

Goosebumps covered his flesh hearing that. Another human being ate one of their kind.

"That's disgusting....I bet it has to do with that damn inn"

Jian Ji opened his eyes and looked at Zixin.

"Let's go there then"

"What about him?"

Jian Ji looked at the man, to Zixin's surprise, Jian Ji kowtowed to the man three times before piercing his heart with his sword.

"Let's go to the inn"


As they walked out Zixin couldn't help but keep gazing at Jian Ji for some unknown reason.

"You keep looking at me, why?" He asked a little annoyed.

"You looked mesmerizing back then"

He stopped walking and turned to look at him. How is he supposed to control his inner desires with this boy saying things like this, he sighed.

"Are you flirting with me?"

Zixin blushed, was he?

"I.....I think so"

Jian Ji locked eyes with him, his eyes raked his features, Zixin was cute, chubby cheeks and rosey lips and his honey like eyes made it hard not to keep looking at them.

"Do you think it's right letting you flirt with me?"

The question took him by surprise, he then remembered that not everyone was as accepting as his family, he avoided Jian Ji's gaze.

"Let's go to the inn"

".....Very well"


Zixin kicked the door to the inn open and a cloud of dust invaded their nostrils making them sneeze.

"Looks abandoned to me" he says looking around.

"That's what they want you to think" Jian Ji says pulling out his sword, he ran three fingers along the blade and the sword floated in the air.

"Kill every evil entity in this place" he commanded, the sword seemed to bow before flying up the stairs.

"Are you not planning on interrogating whatever it's here?" Zixin asked.

"I've wasted a day with this place, the sooner we eliminate this thing the sooner i leave"

Zixin suddenly felt sad, the idea of them going separate ways made him sad. He doesn't know this person so why is he feeling this way, could it be that he's already fa-

A scream of pain made him snap back to reality.


They made their way up the stairs to find Jian Ji's sword stuck on a man's stomach, around the room many men laid dead, their blood was dark and very odorous, the scent making Zixin hurl.

"Look at his teeth" Jian Ji says. Zixin gasped at what he saw, the man had a gap between his two front teeth.

"He ate these people, no wonder their blood is so smelly"

The man cackled pulling out the sword and throwing it at Jian Ji's feet.

"You think I'm alone? There are more of us out there, we will eat anyone we want and no one can stop us"

"That's sick....what made you like this?" Zixin asked, it seems rather odd to him, how can someone wake up one day and decide they are going to eat other people.

"You think it was a choice? We had no choice, we were always in peace around here until this strange woman came here, she looked like a fox and even had nine tails."

"What did she do?" Jian Ji asked.

"She and another man went to the lake at night, they made love there and the water was contaminated, everything started going wrong when people started eating each other, the lady said to cure this we have to find help from the supreme sect leaders"

Zixin was confused, what kind of person was this, she and another man made love in a lake? The water was contaminated?

"I'm sorry, what was the water contaminated with?"

He saw Jian Ji blush.

"With their bodily fluids"

"Oh....ohhhh, that's disgusting, we went inside that lake last night"

The man cackled once again.

"And you're still alive? Unless...."

"Unless what?" Jian Ji asked defensively.

"One of you is from a supreme sect"

They exchanged a look, Zixin gasped.

"It's you? You're royalty?" He asked making Jian Ji sigh and nod.

"Yes, does it matter?"

"Of course it does! Your blood can save us all!"