Panic. That was the only feeling Jian Ji could feel at the moment, the took Zixin away!

"Zixin!" He called out before running towards the creaking pier.

Before he could dive into the murky waters, a whip cracked from above and he felt it tighten around his waist pulling him back.

With a hateful glare, he turned to look at the person and came face to face with a young woman, her facial features were unmatched, her black hair matched with her bright red eyes.

She smirked at him.

"What is a handsome man like you doing around here?" she says, her words sent a chill up Jian Ji's spine making him shudder.

"My friend was pulled inside the lake by a large snake we have to help him"

Her face turned grim at the news.

"Your friend might be dead as we speak, the snake you saw has caused all of this, it just came from nowhere"

"What do you mean? You could've asked for help" he says, it was unbelievable that a mere snake couldn't be captured.

"We did and all have been devoured by the lake, the last cultivators were from a scholar sect, they put up a great fight but in the end, they all died during the night"

"This cannot be happening" he whispers.

Zixin was dead? No, he refuses to believe that.

"What is your name?" He asks her.

"My name is Chang Pei, but you can call me Pei Pei since i saved your life"

He nods and picks up the sword at his feet, it was Zixin's, the sheath was made from red leather. He unsheathed it revealing the thin silver blade. It was rusty at the tip.

"I must find him, fast"

Pei Pei sighed, it seems she had saved the life of a stubborn man.

"Fine, but I'm coming with you, you seem unprepared" she said making him scoff.

"I am a future sect leader, i think i can handle a snake" he says fixing up his robes.

Pei Pei rolled her eyes, her black hair tied in a ponytail flew with the wind.

"Okay mr sect leader, where should we start looking?"

"For now we rest, we have to think of a water tight plan" he replies as he sat down with his legs crossed.

Pei Pei watched him with a confused face, he said he wants to save his friend yet he sits and meditates?

"If this is how you save your friend then I'm definitely sure he's dead as we speak"

"Shut up, I'm trying to concentrate"


"Wei Zixin Dian...."

Who was that calling him?

His eyes were closed yet his other senses were wide awake, he could tell it was cold because he was shaking, the scent was not pleasant as it reeked of rotting corpses.

"Wei Zixin Dian, wake up my dear"

That voice, the same voice that called out to him is with him, why?

He didn't struggle to open his eyes, it was dark and he could feel a presence near him, he turned his head to the side and gasped when he saw a beautiful woman sitting next to him, her hair was bright orange with a white streak in the middle, her eyes were a mismatched brown and bright orange, her robe a dark orange with a black belt, she smiled at him.

"You're awake, at last" she says before standing up.

Zixn gasped again, this lady....had a tails!!

"W-What are you?" He asked before sitting up. He noticed he had been sleeping on a haystack.

"I am a me Huli"

He frowned, Huli? Doesn't that mean....

"A fox?"

"Smart boy, you'll be a great addition to our group "

There's more of them?!

He stood up quickly.

"I want to go home....someone is waiting for me" he says remembering Jian Ji.

He hates himself for treating the young master like that. He wants to see him again and apologize for overreacting.

Huli smiled and gave him a cup, the contents inside were a red liquid.

"I'm sure you will meet that person again but in the meantime, drink this"

Zixin eyed the red liquid, it swirled in a way that it looked hypnotizing, he locked eyes with Hulin.

"What is this?"

"Aiya too much questions, I'm trying to help you, when the others arrive you'll be able to talk to them and you'll be able to go back to where you came from"

He'll be free? With that motivation, he downed the liquid only to choke as it burned his throat like strong liquor.

"Good, now lay down, you'll need all the strength you need to...change"

He didn't hear the last words as sleep took over him, the last thing he saw was a blurry view of Hulin holding a large basket, it was hissing.


It was boring, Pei Pei was considering to leave this person here, for someone who had the urgency to jump in a mysterious lake to save his friend has now turned into a boring log.

She fiddled with her whip, the golden rope glowing with each touch she left. Chang Pei is a daughter of an upper echelon man from a famous sect, the name Chang held more weight than an elephant load of Silver. She is an only child meaning she had her father's disciples worshiping the ground her feet walked on.

"I can't seem to sense anything in that lake" Jian Qiang says opening his eyes.

It has been over 30 minutes since Zixin was taken by that snake and nothing has appeared in that lake.

"Maybe it could be that it senses our presence as well" Pei Pei says standing up. Jian Ji looked at her.

"Why are you helping me?" He asks. It was odd for someone to help a stranger just like that.

Chang Pei giggled.

"You think i might be an enemy? If i were you'd be dead by now, seeing how you lack in focus"

His jaw dropped.

"I do not lack focus!"

"Oh really? Then tell me how your friend got snatched by the snake"

"We had an argument" he says avoiding her gaze.

"About what? If i may ask"

"Nothing important...let's go find somewhere to spend the night"

She watched him walk away, a frown on her face.

"He's hiding something....must be embarrassing or really personal...but since I'm a nosy person, I'll have to make him tell me, it won't be that bad...right?"


Meanwhile back at Xin Mo sect.....

Xin ai was walking around the pavilion with his mother on his right, the smile on her face made her people smile.

"Jian Qiang must be at Li Shizu sect as we speak, do you think he met a lady?" She asked making Xin Ai sigh.

"With this big case on his hands I'm sure he is not thinking about that at the moment"

She nodded and sat down, the two were at the lakeside house, the view was magnificent as dragonflies buzzed around.

"What about you though? Meet anyone who caught your eye?" She asked with hopeful eyes.

"Mother, I'm still young to think about such but when i do, you'll be the first to know" he says trying to mellow her down.

"I look forward to it" she smiled.

Tea was served and Xin Ai sighed as he looked at the setting sun.

"Brother....are you safe?"