They stepped outside the cave. Wei Zixin could see the bright morning sun. It was odd for him, how could he see the sun when they were inside the lake?

"This is a potato. I want you to cut it with that fan you stole"

He frowned. How did Hei Guafu know he took the fan?!


"Doesn't matter. Cut the potato or face the consequences"

"Hmph" he huffed. Hei Guafu placed the potato on the ground and stepped back. Wei Zixin sighed and pulled out the fan from his sleeve.

"Cut the potato my powerful fan!" He yells and yeets the fan at the potato, it landed with the dull thud and the vegetable rolled towards Hei Guafu's feet, the both of them stare at the potato for a good two minutes. Hei Guafu face palms with a resentful sigh and says,

"This is going to be a long day"


Three horses galloped down the dirt road. Xin ai and two of his friends, Lan Fei and Hua Ling were heading towards Li Shizu sect in order to help his big brother with his hunt.

"Should we find an inn?" Hua Ling asks, he was a master of swordplay. After Xin Ai, he was the second in the sect.

"Sounds like an idea. Sir? Should we find a top tier inn for you?" Said Lan Fei, the second in command of the sect army.

Xin Ai looked around the small town. Seemed safe enough.

"Find any inn. At night we should patrol to see if all is well in this town" the general says hopping off his horse.

His friends followed him inside the nearest inn. The owner smiled at them.

"Good day. What do I offer you? Tea perhaps?"


Jiang Ji was walking behind Chang Pei. The two were now on the road towards the ZhangShi sect palace. The place had a scent of wealth, the trees luscious and healthy, he could see farmers in their land harvesting.

"This is my home, it's a better place than that ghost village" Chang Pei says.

"I agree, so where do you live?" He asks.

"At the ZhangShi palace, my father is the sect leader"

He nodded and followed her in silence. If they spent the night at the ghost village does that mean the snake that kidnapped Wei Zixin was also a ghost?

"Are you still thinking about your friend?" Chang Pei asks, she had never seen someone be this concerned about another person before.

"Mn....after meeting your parents i should go back to that lake"

"I'll help you" she replies, the remark taking Jiang Ji by surprise.

"I appreciate it" the honestly in his tone made the maiden smile.

It didn't take long before they arrive at the palace. The tower had the sect flag at the roof and on the walls as well as the doors.

"Announcing the arrival of senior sister Chang Pei!"

The doors opened and they walked in. Jiang Ji could see a mighty stage up ahead. Twelve men were kneeling before the sect chair, clearly there were the sect elders.

Chang Pei knelt down leaving Jiang Ji still on his feet. A spine tingling roar echoed in the hall before a large tiger stepping inside follwed by it's master, the sect leader. His aura alone was demanding respect and Jiang Ji found it hard to breathe.

"Father, i bring an envoy of the Xin Mo sect with me. He has come to solve the Li Shizu and Wangshi jaizu murders"

The man sat on his chair with a scoff. His emperor's cap beads hiding his chaste gaze.

"What is your name?" He asks.

Jiang Ji cleared his throat.

"My name is Jiang Qiang, I come from the Xin Mo sect on a night hunt to solve the murders of the Lishizu and Wangshi Jiazu sects"

There was a collective gasp in the hall. The sect leader of ZhangShi, Zhang Wei stood up from his chair.

"You....what?" He asked. The disbelief in his voice made Chang Pei look up.

"Father.....anything wrong?" she asked. It took a minute for Zhang Wei to compose himself.

"I see....I'll have a room prepared for you so you can spend the night here, Chang Pei will be your guide"

He watched them bow and leave the hall. He sighed.

"The court is dismissed, we'll continue tomorrow"

"Yes sect leader"

Once everyone left the door opened again. A smile formed on Zhang Wei's face seeing this person.

"You look troubled"

It was Shao Wen, husband of the sect leader. The two had been married for almost twenty years now. They now have a daughter through surrogacy, Chang Pei. Many people criticized them for many things they've done but they still maintained order in the sect.

"That boy came alone to solve the Wang Zunyan and Li Xiwang murders" he says. Shao Wen frowned. This was the twelfth person to come here to solve this mystery but they all....disappeared.

"Which sect is he from?"

"Xin Mo sect....they're far away from here so how did they know about this?"

Shao Wen nodded. Maybe someone had reported the case to the higher sects.

"Could it be Fei Fan and Gong Sun?"


The fan fell to the ground with a dull clank once more. The vein on Hei Guafu's forehead was throbbing in annoyance at this point, while Wei Zixin was busy yeeting the fan over and over again.

"Stop! Cleary you're not who we're looking for" he says and walks away. Zixin frowned.

"It's just a potato!" He yelled. Hei Guafu stopped on his tracks, he turned to face him. Zixin gulped in panic, clearly the man was most certainly annoyed now.

"Just a potato? If you can't cut some stupid potato then how will you cut off someone's head?!" He roared making Zixin flinch.


"No, that's enough for the day and if you still can't do this by'll regret it"

He sighed as Hei Guafu stomped his way inside the cave.

"Why would I cut someone's head anyways, humph useless training" he whispered. What he didn't expect was the said potato to be kicked to the back of his head making him fall on his face. Then a voice yells,

"Better start practicing!"


He looked around the rood and smiled, now this is what he was used to, comfort and luxury.

"I appreciate the hospitality, in the evening we shall head out to that lake" he says.

Chang Pei nodded.

"No worries, rest up. I'll come see you later"

Once the doors were closed, Jiang Ji took off his robe. He walked around naked for some time before getting in the tub. The warm water made him sigh in comfort.

"Wei Zixin.....I'll come for you, just wait for me"