Jiang Ji was laying in bed thinking about the conversation he had with the sect leaders, what will he do now with his investigation?

He slides off the bed and his barefeet thump on the floor quietly. The doors slide open and he peeks out. He could see the night patrol guards walking around and some chatting as they leaned against the wall. He closes the door and stands in the middle of the room.

A spirit pouch appers before him and he pulls out a small knife, the blade was gold and the handle was gold with a large ruby at the end. He carves something on the floor and a white light flashes.

"Jiang Ji my dear, how are you?"

It was his mother. This dagger was a tool the people of Xin Mo used to talk to the relatives far away from them. He smiles seeing her.

"I'm fine mother but i may need some help"

"I see....Xin Ai left some days ago to join you, have you not met yet?"

He frowns and shook his head.

"No, I'll send a signal and wait until he sees it"

"Good idea, have you been eating? You look skinny"

"I'm okay mother, we'll meet again soon. I have to go"

His mother's face disappears and the carving on the floor disappears as well leaving the wood undamaged. Jiang Ji grabs his sword and heads outside.

Chang Pei, who was in her room hears a SWISH followed by a popping sound. A pink light fills the sky and she realizes that it was a sect flare signal. She looks at the roof of the guesthouse tower and shook her head chuckling.

"This boy"


"What do you mean we're lost? We've been following the map for three days now" Xin Ai says in anger. Hua Ling sighed and crumpled up the piece of cloth stuffing it in his sleeve.

"This map is eighteen years old, the roads have changed, Lan Fei where did you find this old thing? Your mother's closet?"

"No i found it in your father's ass!"

Xin Ai sighed. These two were like toddlers when they were frustrated. Something then shoots up to the sky making him look up.

"Is that...?" Hua Ling asks making the other two nod.

"Let's go"

Their horses gallop along the road following the flare smoke, Xin Ai felt a smile creep up on his face as he thought of seeing his brother again.

They slow down once they stop at a city gate. The wall was so tall, their necks started to hurt just by looking at the top of it.

"ZhangShi sect? What are they, a prison?" Hua Ling jokes. They show the guards their jade pendants and the gates are opened for them.

Xin Ai saw his brother waiting on the other side, he hops off his horse and they embrace each other.

"When were you going to find me hm? You could have sent a signal or something" Jiang Ji scolded him.

Hua Ling and Lan Fei snickered at the back. Jiang Ji turned to them.

"And why are you two laughing? Don't you know how to protect your leader? Come here and give me a hug"

They share a hug and they follow Jiang Ji to the sect palace.

"So how is the investigation going?" Xin Ai asks.

"I haven't even started yet. I got...sidetracked"

Xin Ai looked at his brother, did the older meet someone here?

"Who is he?" He whispers. Jiang Ji sighed, it seemed his brother knows him too well.

"His name is Wei Zixin....he's in trouble though"

"We'll save him, i got your back" the young sibling says patting the older on the back.

"This sect looks cheap, look at their lanterns, who still makes wax paper products? Don't these people evolve with the times" Hua Ling jokes making Lan Fei chuckle.

"I'm sure the sect leader is old and white haired"

The doors to the main palace open making the small group stop in their tracks, Zhang Wei stepped out, his hair now down and he was topless, his skin glimmered in the moonlight. The tiger on his right growling seeing the unannounced visitors.

"Jiang Qiang of the Xin Mo sect, who are these people?" Zhang Wei asks. His eyes were flashing orange now and then. Very intimidating.

"This is my brother, Xin Ai and his disciples, Lan Fei and Hua Ling" Jiang Ji says gesturing to the teens.

The tiger stopped growling and trotted back inside, Zhang Wei eyed them for a moment before heading back inside.

"Who was that?" Hua Ling asks in shock.

"That's the sect leader, Zhang Wei"

"Damn....what a handsome man" Hua Ling adds. Lan Fei rolled his eyes.

"He has a wife, men like that always have wives"

"That's where you're wrong. He has a....husband"

The teens gasped.

"Really?" Lan Fei asked. Why would a good looking man like Zhang Wei waste his good genes by marrying a man?!

"Brother, so there's more? How do you feel about it?" Xin Ai asked. Jiang Ji shrugged.

"It doesn't bother me, it gives me hope"

Hua Ling and Lan Fei eye each other, their minds putting them in the same ratio. If they were to marry each other, hypothetically, how would it be?

"Don't even think about it" Lan Fei says in a hurry. Hua Ling scoffs.

"Who said i was thinking about it? You clearly have a guilty conscience of thinking I'd marry you"

"Me? marry you? You'd beg to marry me" Lan Fei retorts. Hua Ling bumps their chests against each other.

"Oh yeah?"


The crackle of a whip made them look up, there stood Chang Pei looking ethereal in her sleep wear.

"Do you idiots mind? Some of us are trying to sleep"

"Sorry" Hua Ling and Lan Fei say at the same time.

Jiang Ji led them to his room. The teens slept on the floor while the older slept in bed. Hua Ling stuck his tongue out to Lan Fei.

"You have a crush on me, admit it" he whispered.

"In your dreams, why would i have a crush on you? You smell like lotus root"

"You know what is else is similar to lotus root?"


"My manhood"

"If you two don't stop your flirting, I'll kill you right now" Xin Ai hissed, he had been in the middle of these two all this time.

"Humph! blame Hua Ling, he's clearly obsessed with me"

"Me? You're obsessed with me!"

Jiang Ji woke up being startled by screams of pain. He looked around and saw the boys fast sleep, he sighs and goes back to sleep.

Xin Ai closed his eyes. His hands grabbing on the two boys' family jewels leaving them squirming and attempting to pry his grip off.


He licked his mouth over and over again, the action making Hei Guafu scowl.

"Would you stop that!" He roared. Wangzi snickered and sat up in bed. He had to give up his bed for Zixin to sleep in.

"Why? Don't you want to be roommates?" He asked. Hei Guafu sat up as well. He sighed.

"Then stop licking your mouth, it's annoying"

Wangzi lit up the room, he turns to his big brother and smiles.

"I miss you Guafu" he whispered. The man swallowed thickly and held Wangzi's face, his thumb running over the younger's cheek.

"We agreed to end things remember?"

Wangzi leaned in on his touch, he closed his eyes.

"I know body and soul yearn for you....please"

Hei Guafu ran his fingers on Wangzi's hair, he gives the multicolored locks a hard tug pulling Wangzi back revealing his Adam's apple more.

"Are you sure about this?" Guafu asks.

Wangzi leaned forward and captured Hei Guafu's lips with his. The kiss soft and quick.

"Take me" he whispers.

They locked eyes, Hei Guafu undid the younger's robe revealing his soft skin. He runs his hand down Wangzi's chest making the younger to moan softly,

"Please" he begged holding on to the older's wrist. Their lips connect again, this time long and passionate. Wangzi felt their tongues dance together, their lips moving in sync.

A gasp escapes past his lips as he felt his crotch being grabbed, the older man's palm stroking him ever so gently. Wangzi spread his legs and Hei Guafu's hand went up his robe.

Guafu gives the long shaft a few strokes before pulling the robe over Wangzi's head. The shaft in his hands was quite thick and long, like a well nourished carrot. He gives it a lick with his tongue.

"Mmh, you can do better than that" Wangzi says, his voice muffled by the robe. Guafu flips the younger over and pulls him by the hair.

"Ah yes, that's how i remember it. Do it" Wangzi taunted again. Hei Guafu starts to rub his own shaft betwixt Wangzi's cheeks, the image reminding him of a meat bun.

He pushes in and Wangzi moans loudly,

"Mmh, you're bigger than before"

Guafu punishes him with rough thrusts.

"Shut up and take it" he says going faster. Wanzgi felt his throat turn dry, tears trickling down his face as he got pounded. The echo of their skin slapping against each other was like music to him. He then feels Guafu's lips on his neck, the man's teeth biting and tugging on his soft skin making him whimper and moan.

"You're more tighter than before" Guafu said pulling out of the young man, Wangzi turns around and gasped as his legs were thrown over Guafu's shoulders.

"Eh? Hei Guafu, isn't this too much?" He asked feeling nervous. Guafu pushed inside him again.

"Didn't you want this? Didn't you say you missed me?"

Wanzgi felt his toes curl into themselves, the thrusts were hard and fast, he didn't even bother to moan, he'd just wake everyone up. So he just laid there, his body moving with each thrust, his eyes locked with Guafu's.

"Kiss me" Hei Guafu commands, the younger plants his lips onto his and moans into the kiss as he feels the man insides him fills him up. Guafu pulls out and watches as his essence flows out of the younger laying there. The once tight entrance winking at him as it cried out white. He chuckles.

"Can we sleep now?"

Wanzgi coughed for a moment. With a flushed face he replies,
