Warm comfort

"I will check on Rose. I want us three to sleep together in my room," Anna told Debby as she walked to the door of Rose's workroom.

"Hey, I guess she might have to work late into the night, let's go," Debby said pulling Anna to her room.

"She really needs to know when it's time for her to rest and work," Anna said trying to pull her hand from Debby's grip.

"She knows and this is a really busy period for her. She has to work for your mum, she has to prepare a design for her teacher and she has to help Eric prepare for the competition. She is busy. She will rest when she gets tired," Debby tried to persuade her friend.

"Oh sure," Anna said nodding thoughtfully. "She might lose her concentration if we disturb her, right?"

"Yes, I am feeling really sleepy. I will go back home tomorrow to bring some of my things over. I will have to disturb you for a while."

"Hey, what are friends for?" Anna threw her hand on her friend's shoulder.
