The fire

When they were outside away from the fire that seemed to have engulfed the whole store, Anna raised her head and stared around as the fire trucks made their way towards the restaurant.

"Where is Rose?" she finally asked with her voice slightly hoarse due to smoke she inhaled earlier.

Debby froze as fear gripped her heart. She pointed at the burning building and began crying as she found it hard to form the words and let it out her mouth.

"Where is my sister?" Anna began crying too.

"Hey relax. Wayne and I will look around. We have to find her around," Eric said after he calmed down from the earlier panic.

"I think I saw her run out," Noah said but shook her head when she remembered it was only the dress she saw not the face of the person. The person did not even spare them a glance and she could not think of Rose running out without looking at where they once sat.