The council's plan

If it was in the past, Jace will most like laugh excitedly but he simply dropped his eyes from his brother. "I guess the princess is not in a very good state," Jace said trying to feign calmness.

"What makes you assume that?" Liam asked resting his gaze on his younger brother who seemed to have changed totally.

"We will have our doctors look over her as soon as we get her," Jace continued.

"I have the best doctors in the world. They will look after her. The princess isn't some sort of object that should be spoken about in such manner. I doubt she will want to go with you. It's been three weeks already. If you think you are capable then take her away," Liam said and stood up.

Seeing his son talk for so long, Mr. Hart gulped, Rose was changing his son. His cold expressionless son seemed to have more expressions and more words to say.