Knowing Eric's secret

"A son?" Rose's eyes brightened when she realized who looked like the woman.

"Yes a son. My son is a highschool student," Leah replied naturally.

"His name most be Eric," Rose said almost a hundred percent sure that she was correct.

"Yeah. My son's name is Eric."

"Eric and I are best friends. I can't believe you are Eric's mum. Eric looks so much like you but you look too young to be his mother. No wonder Eric looks so handsome," Rose commented truthfully.

Eric looked so much like his mother. He also had her confidence and intelligence. "My troublesome son has almost nothing to talk about when I call him or when we meet. He stays with his dad in B city. I thought he only spoke about his pretty friend so I won't feel worried about him and I concluded that he was lying but you are real," Leah said happily. It was a good thing that he son was not too lonely.