Impending war

"Who do think tried to kill the princess?" a man asked a weak looking woman. The woman sat like every other day on the balcony to watch the sun go down.

"I don't know but I can easily guess the person is a member of the council perhaps one of them with really high position. The person is also aware of Rose's identity. The person used Rose to get rid of the Queen and knowing this, makes it really hard for me to guess who it is," the woman replied weakly.

"Do you think we should help the Queen?" the man said.

"I don't have any intention of helping a sister wants to kill me every time she looks at me. She attempted it before and she left a huge pain in life. Do you still think I could help her? I don't want to help the queen. She is pretending to be vulnerable at this point," the woman said with a deep frown obviously displeased.