Red haired boy

"Did you contact Jace like you said you will?" Rose asked Anna on their way to school the following day when she remembered how strange Jace was when she met him. 

"I tried but I guess he was too busy to pick my call. I need a really hot and wealthy young master to hold unto if I want to save my pride. I need a distraction to prevent me from going back to him. I think I am getting really desperate these days. Like every day I see him, I feel I a stronger urge to apologize for being rude to him," Anna said sadly. "I think I should trying going on a blind date. I will have Wayne set me up with some handsome young master."

"Don't force yourself because you are scared you will apologize. You could simply wait. Our graduation is right at the corner and soon you won't have to see him and feel pressurized," she advised her sister. "Although I think an apology won't hurt. I might not like him much but it is basic manner to apologize to someone you offend."