New friend

Rose glanced at Liam questioningly and he gave her a slight nod to tell her he was going to support whatever decision she was going to make. 

She agreed to follow Noah since it did not seem like they were about to call her name for the award acceptance anytime soon. She did not expect the empty to seat to be in the front. The seat Noah led her to was the seat she was assigned to in the entry card. 

"I don't know who did not arrive and left these seats empty," Noah said when they were seated comfortably.

"This seat was assigned to me. I did not want to sit in the front," Rose replied easily.

"I know you are brave so what is the reason why you don't want to sit down at the front of the hall?" Noah had to ask since she could not come up with any reasonable answer to her question.

"Look around,"  Rose told her find the answer herself since she did not state the obvious.