
"This one is a fake. How about I give you a real gold bar later?" 

"If it is a fake gold bar does that mean your crown made of fake gold?" A curious Rosaline asked her mother because she could not see the difference between the gold bar on the table and the gold her mother's crown was made of. 

"No, I know what a real gold bar looks like and I know my crown is made of pure gold," the Queen, Doris said patting her cute daughter's head.

"Could you teach me how to identify real gold?" Rosaline asked her mother jumping excitedly. 

"Why will you want to know how to identify real gold? As a princess, you might never have to come in contact with fake gold," a male voice said from the door of the room. 

Rosaline noticed her mother hide the gold away in one of the drawers but she did not take it serious as she ran towards her father with her hands spread out. "Daddy," she shouted with so much pure joy and energy as she hugged her father's legs.