His reminder

The muffled cried of those who were getting tortured filled the warehouse loud and painful that anyone hearing it will feel the fear and terror they felt from the maltreatment they were facing. 


Anna glanced at the bedside table and it showed that it was already midnight and Steve was not back. She expected him to return and apologize for breaking the screen of her tablet. 

She also wanted to know why he was so angry with her. Her sister not very connected to him for him to have such a reaction to her sister's return to the palace. When she could not resist the drowsiness that clouded her mind, she finally fell asleep. 

Hours later, she heard the door open and she heard his footstep as he walked around the room. she remained still expecting him to sit beside her on the bed and pat her head like he always does but he walked into the bathroom and that was  exactly when he patience ran out.