
"Hello," she replied him softly as she rolled and laid on her side.

"How was the ceremony?" He asked her concerned.

"It was fine. I will be busy from now onward with my duties as a princess and my preparation for school. I won't be able to start tomorrow but I will be available soon," she narrated to him. 

"Ok. So, how do you find life in the palace?" 

"I don't know. I have only spent a few hours in here. I will get to know by and by," she replied sincerely.

"You don't sound too good. Are you okay?" 

"I am fine. I just woke up from a short nap. Today has been a little hectic and the days ahead won't be easy too but I am ready," she told him confidently.

"I am here for you, okay?"

Rose liked how it sounded but she did not want to reply him and sound like a weak and scared girl.