Her visitor

At nine o'clock, she heard a soft knock on the door of her room before the door was pushed open slowly. 

A figure walked in and closed the door quietly behind.

She turned off the lights of her room to reduce suspicion since she should be asleep and prevent shadows frown getting casted on the windows.

She saw the black figure take slow steps towards her while staring towards her. "Welcome," she said when he joined her at the table.

"Thank you, your highness," he replied as he sat down at the table.

Smile found herself smiling but frowned when she met his gaze. The room might be dark but it was bright enough thanks to the very bright moon outside for her to see certain things.

"How have you been?" he asked worriedly as stretched his hand towards her face and touched her cheeks in a gentle brush.

"Fine," she replied. She held back from pulling away when she felt the coldness of his hand.