Staying overnight

"I think there is more to it than you are saying. If you travelled through time does that mean you are not Mr. Hart's son?"

"I am his biological son."

"Then why are you young?"

"Because I am still me."

"You came from the future, why don't you know the people who killed my mother?" She asked him still not believing him.

That was a very ridiculous joke. How could he come from the future? It will save and better to say he was reborn.

"That is something I will leave to be answered some other day," he replied with a sad complicated smile.

"That's because you did not come from the future. Perhaps you were given a chance to make amends by the heavens," she told him seriously.

When she was in the orphanage after her rebirth, she could predict her future. 

She knew those girls were jealous of her to the point the never wanted her to leave the orphanage.