At the cafe

"Okay then," she said still unable to take the smile off her lips. 

Liam looked at her reflection on the mirror and he could not help but smile too. He actually got to see her dimple it is a pity he could only see it through her reflection. 

"You should really stop talking about how you saved my life when you are unwilling to let me know how it happened," She murmured displeased

"I don't want to be the one to tell you. you won't believe me even if I do after all you don't trust me. If you get your memories back then I won't be accused of making up deceptive stories," Liam replied  seriously. 

"Who else knows about what happened?" she asked becoming serious about the issue. She still found it weird to have a lot of missing memories and even falsely replaced memories.

"My brother was there when it happened and the doctors in the clinic I took you to and many others. However, don't you think I would have bribed them to say what I want you to hear?"