The boss's double

"Yes. I want to. I am worried about you," the man replied sincerely. "I will get you water."

Liam relaxed on the swivel chair after turning it to face the door. He took a deep breath with a warm smile as he watched himself walk out of the room. 

He pulled open the drawer and picked his pills case and placed it on the table waiting for him to return.

It was very easy for him to persuade his young self into doing a lot of things for him including warning the Queen of the impending danger she was going to face.

He did not need to persuade his younger self to save the princess's life because fate had planned it all. 

He smiled when the young man returned to his study and placed a glass of water in the table carefully and sat on the table watching him closely.

All his recorded and unrecorded achievements were not achieved by him alone although most of them were his ideas but he got a lot of help from this young man.