The noticeable aura

He came over as soon as his men watching Rose told him she ran to the company's head quarter. He sent a text to them but none of them was free enough to read his text.

The receptionist soon noticed that the girl was getting the attention of a lot from people passing by including employees.

She also stared at the girl and moved her gaze around to discover Mr. Jefferson was also staring at the girl.

Rose tapped her foot on the tiles and inhaled deeply. She glanced at the door to see Jace walk in with some of his guards.

At least she was not the only person who believed the article had truth in it. 

Liam on a normal day will never take such an article seriously but for him to come to work the following Monday concludes that he does.

She hurried over to Jace and a guard blocked her path with his huge muscled frame.

She frowned feeling a strong urge to kick the guy but stopped when she noticed people were looking at her.